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Updated: August 18, 2024

The company had increased by this time, and there were women and girls among them. They went on to sing and to playt and at last to dance. Kate heard them. Through the closed door between the hall and the parlour their merriment came to her. At intervals Pete put in his head, brimming over with laughter, and cried in a loud whisper, "Did you hear that, Kate? It's rich!"

M. le Compte de Varique ne se playt qua parlay de vous: M. de Moon aucy. Il di que vous avay voulew vous bastre avecque luy que vous estes plus fort que luy fur l'ayscrimme quil'y a surtout certaine Botte que vous scavay quil n'a jammay sceu pariay: et que c'en eut ete fay de luy si vouseluy vous vous fussiay battews ansamb. Aincy ce pauv Vicompte est mort.

'Lat the lasses greit for ye gin they like; but haud oot ower frae the kissin'. I wadna mell wi' 't. 'Hoot, father, dinna put sic nonsense i' the bairns' heids, said Miss Lammie. 'Whilk 's the nonsense, Aggy? asked her father, slily. 'But I doobt, he added, 'he'll never play the Flooers o' the Forest as it suld be playt, till he's had a taste o' the kissin', lass.

"A sairy carle, that same Richard," answered Wilson; "I wot th' young Charles 'ul soon come by his ain, and then ilka ane amang us 'ul see a bonnie war-day. We've playt at shinty lang eneugh. Braw news, man braw news that the corbie's deid." Wilson had never before been heard to say so much or to speak so vehemently.

It's unco ready to that o' 'ts ain sel'; an' it's my opingon that there's no anither instrument but the fiddle fit to play the Flooers o' the Forest upo', for that very rizzon, in a' his Maijesty's dominions. My father playt the fiddle, but no like your gran'father. Robert was silent.

An' gin ye come o' ane 'at cud play this fiddle as this fiddle deserves to be playt, ye'll do me credit. 'Ye min' what that sumph Lumley said to me the ither nicht, Sanders, aboot my grandfather? 'Ay, weel eneuch. A dish o' drucken havers! 'It was true eneuch aboot my great-grandfather, though. 'No! Was't railly? 'Ay. He was the best piper in 's regiment at Culloden.

They playt cairts thegither, they drank thegither, they drave oot thegither for the auld captain never crossed beast's back an' what made sic frien's o' them nobody could imaigine. For the tane was a rouch sailor chield, an' the tither was a yoong lad, little mair, an' a fine gentleman as weel's a bonny man.

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