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I docket it neatly at the secretaire, JONES, and I put it into pigeonhole J. It's the next thing to a receipt and is quite as satisfactory to ME. And I very much wish, Mortimer, sitting on his bed, with the air of a philosopher lecturing a disciple, 'that my example might induce YOU to cultivate habits of punctuality and method; and, by means of the moral influences with which I have surrounded you, to encourage the formation of the domestic virtues.

Perhaps the letter of instructions had come addressed to the company, and had gone to the secretary, Mr. Flitcroft. He arose to summon Mr. Flitcroft from an adjoining room, then changed his mind long enough carefully to replace the diamond in the box and thrust the box into a pigeonhole of his desk. Then he called Mr. Flitcroft in. "Have you gone through your morning mail?" Mr.

Step by step, slowly but surely, the memoranda in that matrimonial portfolio were growing into accomplished facts; all events, such as displacements of power, were foreseen; and the Plimptons, like Bismarck, had only to indicate, in case of sudden news, the pigeonhole where the plan of any particular campaign was filed. Mrs.

And Caleb, rummaging one day for some lost article or other, in a pigeonhole in Sarah's desk in which he had no license to look, had come across a picture of a tall and black-haired lad, brave in white trousers and an amazing waistcoat. Caleb remembered having been told that he had died for another with that same smile which the picture had preserved the tall and jaunty youngster.

"Oh, yes," says he. "Here you are, then, Eggy," says I, reachin' into a pigeonhole and producin' it. "What's your instrument of torture, the xylophone?" "I I beg pardon?" says he. "Come now," says I, "don't tell me you're a trombone fiend!" "Oh, I see," says he. "No, no, I I'm not a musician." "Shake, Eggy!" says I, reachin' out my hand impulsive.

I've been fortunate in investments." The furrows in the Colonel's brow deepened. "You offer to lend me five times more than I have ever paid you, Mr. Hopper. Tell me how you have made this money before I accept it." Eliphalet had never been able to meet that eye since he had known it. He did not meet it now. But he went to his desk, and drew a long sheet of paper from a pigeonhole.

On the military maps some way behind the arterial system of red lines which stood for the German trenches exactly as on a German map it stands for ours was a shaded mark shaped like an elongated pea pod. There was no name to it but a note in some pigeonhole of the local Intelligence Officer stated that the inhabitants called the place "The Grass Bank."

A week later a governor and a chaplain together entered Hogarth's cell with news of his reprieve. Eight months later he was being trundled in "Black Maria" to Paddington Station amid a Babel of escaped tongues, when, sitting in his pigeonhole, he heard the unknown voice before him cry: "Well, Jim, we're away to the mountain's brow!" Jim, nothing but a voice, was heard: "Worse luck!

Tie made a show of reading it several times over, inside and out, and then from the pigeonhole of his desk he began to accumulate what I supposed corroborative documents, or pieces justificatives. When lie had amassed a heap several inches thick, he rose and hurried out through the gate, across the hall where I sat, into a room beyond.

There were tables, stands, settees, chairs, and a quaint old desk, set on a square pedestal with a base of carved lions' feet. This last interested Josie as soon as it was carried into the shop. The top part was somewhat dilapidated, the cover of the desk being broken off and some of the "pigeonhole" compartments smashed.