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"One must be smart at Ascot," she answered, "or stay away." "I've just heard some news," he continued. "Yes?" "Who do you think is here?" She glanced at him sideways under her lace parasol. "Every one I should think." "Including," he said, "Mr. Scarlett Trent!" She grew a shade paler, and leaned for a moment against the rail of the paddock in which they were lounging.

He had been praised to the skies for bringing the parasol and the thermos case to the Mistress. He had every reason to expect the same meed of praise for this new gift. Indeed, to Lad's way of thinking, he might well hope for even higher praise.

One strong native carried my overcoat, another a parasol, another a box of cigars, another a novel, and the last man in the procession had no load but a fan. It was all done with earnestness and sincerity, there was not a smile in the procession from the head of it to the tail of it.

"I cannot imagine what errand you have with me, Anice," said I; "but if it is any thing important, let me hear it at once, as I have an engagement this morning, and am in haste." A smile, which I could plainly see in the mirror before which I stood, passed slyly over her face. She took up her parasol from her lap, then laid it down again, and altogether showed considerable embarrassment.

You are quite beautiful, you know. I never saw any one with a nose as straight and finely cut as yours. Why do you keep putting your parasol so that I cannot see it?" "One uses a parasol to keep off the sun, which is hot. Would you wish me to get a sunstroke to oblige you?" And I put down my parasol still lower. "You are selfish!" in an aggrieved voice. "Of course."

"What are you going to do to-morrow, Mother?" "To-morrow? I go up to London with your aunt. Why?" "I thought you might be. Will you get me a quite plain parasol?" "What color?" "Green. They're all going back, I suppose." "Yes, all; you will console your father. Kiss me, then."

I left the room at the usual hour for attending to my domestic affairs. The obstinate cook did me a service; she was insolent; she wanted to have her own way. I gave her her own way. In less than five minutes I was on the watch in the pantry, which has a view of the house door. My hat and my parasol were waiting for me on the table, in case of my going out, too.

"I can't sew fit to be seen, Molly; and 'twould take me all summer to get one apron made. I'd rather give them things that we have. Why, I'd rather give Ella my best parasol than to try to sew anything for her!" "Oh, don't give her that lovely parasol! We'll think of something else. Suppose we invite them all to dinner; you one day, and I another." "I don't believe Grandma would like that.

Lawford had no particular interest in the summer crowd himself; but he knew the Perritons were influential people in the social world. With them was a majestic person the young man had never seen before. Undoubtedly the "Lady from Poughkeepsie." Her pink countenance and beautifully dressed gray hair showed to excellent advantage under the black and white parasol she carried.

She saved him the embarrassment of making a beginning by saying at once in the most natural tone in the world: "How nice of you to come and keep me company for a little while! Won't you sit down on this plaid?" He thanked her, and did as he was bid, seating himself on the thick, soft rug. His head was shaded by the great parasol, the sun warmed his knees.