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Diana the faithful had a pencil and discovered a sheet of wrapping paper in the box of the buggy. Anne folded up her dripping parasol, put on her hat, spread the wrapping paper on a shingle Diana handed up, and wrote out her garden idyl under conditions that could hardly be considered as favorable to literature.

Her tiny hat with narrow band of white crepe was of the Marie Stuart style; her gloves were undressed kid, her handkerchief had black border, and her silk parasol was draped in black. Hers was the same pretty face and blue eyes that had won Alfonso's heart. She supposed him dead; her dress of mourning was not for him, but for her mother, whom she idolized.

"Now is my time," thought Rosamund. She changed her dress for one of the prettiest she possessed a pale-blue muslin, beautifully made. She put on a large, black, shady hat, and catching up her gloves and parasol, started on foot to Lady Jane's place. She had not an idea where to go, but trusted to find the way by making inquiries.

'Give me my parasol, said Zinaida, 'I threw it down somewhere, and don't stare at me like that ... what ridiculous nonsense! you're not hurt, are you? stung by the nettles, I daresay?

She had not answered his last note, but the next day she kept the tryst, at the hour he had proposed; he saw her advance along the road, in a white dress, under a big parasol, and again he found himself liking immensely the way she walked.

In our little back-garden, my Father had built up a rockery for ferns and mosses and from the water-supply of the house he had drawn a leaden pipe so that it pierced upwards through the rockery and produced, when a tap was turned, a pretty silvery parasol of water. The pipe was exposed somewhere near the foot of the rockery.

We have backed him up through this election. He is not a bad fellow at all, though about as much of a Liberal at heart as this hedge, and Mrs. Shepton struck it lightly with the parasol she carried. 'My husband thinks we got him in by the skin of his teeth. So Lady Driffield asks us periodically, and behaves herself, more or less. My husband likes Lord Driffield.

Then he arose and shook himself together, and picking up the soiled parasol, folded it carefully and put it upon the seat, saying as he did so: 'By George! did that girl know what she was about when she refused to marry me?

Dear, you really ought to be more with her; but for my darling Ellen I don't know what Martha would do. I miss the child so, and yet I couldn't bear to take her from the dear old woman." Jane made no answer. Lucy had found a chair now and had laid her gloves, parasol, and handkerchief on another beside her.

'We had a little tea-party here, last night five-and-forty women, my dear sir and gave every one of 'em a green parasol when she went away. 'A parasol! said Mr. Pickwick. 'Fact, my dear Sir, fact. Five-and-forty green parasols, at seven and sixpence a-piece. All women like finery extraordinary the effect of those parasols.