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They took an aimless drive instead in the park, and Nuttie was nearly baked while the carriage was stopped for her father to have a long talk over the prospects of the Derby day with one of his most unpleasant associates, who stood leaning over the door on the shady side of the carriage, no one recking how little protection she derived from her small fringed parasol.

She would like to get wet to the skin, take a violent cold, go into a consumption, and die in a fortnight. The wind whistled about her bonnet, dashed the rain- drops clanging on the drum-tight silk of her parasol, and made of her skirts fetters and chains.

Why should I want my cook to go peacocking about with a pink parasol, making a fool of herself, and bringing disgrace on the house? Why should I want Kate to be incapacitated from doing her proper work?" "I think," said Luke, "I must go and see it." "Go and see Kate's knee? Don't be indelicate." "No, I meant the parasol.

'You are a thief! You are nothing better than a tramp! You are a regular jade! and so on and so on. A sailor could not have said more. "Suddenly I heard a noise behind me and turned round. It was the other one, the fat woman, who had attacked my wife with her parasol. Whack, whack! Melie got two of them. But she was furious, and she hits hard when she is in a rage.

But Maud Callowgas needed no winning, being very effectually won already, so it was superfluous thus movingly to ask the question. The mid-day sun striking through her black-and-white parasol made her feel dizzy and faint. If only she could learn the amount of her fortune, she could let Mrs.

She took Nanda's parasol and held it as if a more delicate thing much than any one of hers she simply liked to have it. "Her clothes at your age at least must have been hideous. Was it at the place he took you to that he gave you tea?" she then went on. "Yes, at the Museum. We had an orgy in the refreshment-room. But he took me afterwards to Tishy's, where we had another." "He went IN with you?"

As for the lady, she is all the colours of the rainbow! she has a pink parasol, with a white lining, and a yellow bonnet, and an emerald green shawl, and a shot-silk pelisse; and drab boots and rhubarb-coloured gloves; and parti-coloured glass buttons, expanding from the size of a fourpenny-piece to a crown, glitter and twiddle all down the front of her gorgeous costume.

The rose lining of her parasol ceased to warm her colour. In fact, the parasol itself stepped aside, and she stood with a blank, stiff, white face. "My dear Rosalie," said Sir Nigel, going towards her. "You don't look very glad to see me." He bent and kissed her quite with the air of a devoted husband.

"But," said Bob, "you forget that voting would bring together all the women of the lower classes." "Yes; but, thanks to the instincts of their sex, they would come in their Sunday clothes; for where is the woman that hasn't her finery, and will not embrace every chance to show it? Biddy's parasol, and hat with pink ribbons, would necessitate a clean shirt in Pat as much as on Sunday.

She was perched upon a grassy slope like some vast moth that had alighted there, her pale skirts spread, a white cashmere shawl swathed about her shoulders, her golden head tipped back on her full throat. Over her, like a swaying flower, a tiny parasol reared on a long tasselled stalk, held in Killigrew's hand as he lounged beside her.