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She recollected his look at her, and turned over the leaves of the book he had been hastily scanning, and had condescended to approve of. On the two pages where the paper-cutter was fixed she perceived small pencil dots under certain words.

"Miss Beth Truba" had been put there to stay, with a full pen, and as if pleasing to his sight. She was thinking it would be well if Mrs. Wordling were always inquiring; and that the day would be spoiled if he had undertaken to explain things in this letter.... Beth crossed to the table, placed the paper-cutter under the flap and slit it across.

I was going to buy a paper-cutter, but I believed I could remember the cold comfort of the Rigi-Kulm without it, so I smothered the impulse. Supper warmed us, and we went immediately to bed but first, as Mr. Baedeker requests all tourists to call his attention to any errors which they may find in his guide-books, I dropped him a line to inform him he missed it by just about three days.

"I'm not surprised at that," said Barclay slowly, fingering a paper-cutter on the desk before him. "Mr. Rathbawne is peculiar in one respect; he supports and considers the Union in every other. But he has always insisted upon his right to discharge the hands at will, and without giving reasons. Incompetency is only a word which is used to cover more serious causes."

She was seemingly happy and had been writing a letter a letter to me which they never forwarded. There was no one else by but some strangers good people whom one must believe. She was crossing the floor when suddenly she threw up her hands and fell. A thin, narrow paper-cutter was in her grasp; and it flew into the lobby.

"Of course you wouldn't own it," Ethel retorted, playing with a tortoise-shell paper-cutter she had picked up from the table by which she sat; "but your manner was not to be mistaken. It betrayed you in spite of yourself." Rangely knew how foolish he was to be affected by light banter like this, but for his life he could not have helped it.

Orrderr!" said the President, severely, rapping with a paper-cutter. "We must have a Man, not a Whiffler!" Churm continued. "And I have one in my eye." Everybody examined his eye. "Would you be so good as to name him?" said Old Brummage, timidly. He wanted to see a Man, but feared the strange creature might be dangerous. "Richard Wade," says Churm. They did not know him. The name sounded forcible.

No; I can't rejoice over it, though, of course I wish them joy; I wired to them this morning and I'm sending them a very handsome paper-cutter of dear father's. Gregory will appreciate that, I think. But no; I shall always be sorry that she didn't marry Franz Lippheim." The Jardines did not come back to London till October.

Most of the letters, as he had anticipated, were painful reading. And the silver paper-cutter with which he opened the first had been a Christmas present from Mrs. Burlingame, who had penned it, a lady of signal devotion to the church, who for many years had made it her task to supply and arrange the flowers on the altar.

Ashe rose slowly from the deep chair in which he had been sitting. His aspect seemed to her terrified eyes utterly and wholly changed. In his hand he held a book like those on the table, and a paper-cutter. His face expressed the remote abstraction of a man who has been wrestling his way through some hard contest of the mind. She ran to him. She wound her arms round him. "William, William!