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Well, the swindling hackney-coachmen are paid, the mother leading on her regiment of little ones, and supported by her auxiliary nurse-maids, are safe in the cabin; you have counted twenty-six of the twenty-seven parcels, and have them on board, and that horrid man on the paddle-box, who, for twenty minutes past, has been roaring out, NOW, SIR! says, NOW, SIR, no more.

But I was not going to pay for first-class and then ride third that was not business. No, I would stick to the swagger part of the ship, and feel aristocratic and sick. A mate, or a boatswain, or an admiral, or one of those sort of people I could not be sure, in the darkness, which it was came up to me as I was leaning with my head against the paddle-box, and asked me what I thought of the ship.

About twelve o'clock, just as the bell of the packet is tolling a farewell to London Bridge, and warning off the blackguard-boys with the newspapers, who have been shoving Times, Herald, Penny Paul-Pry, Penny Satirist, Flare-up, and other abominations, into your face just as the bell has tolled, and the Jews, strangers, people-taking-leave-of their families, and blackguard-boys aforesaid, are making a rush for the narrow plank which conducts from the paddle-box of the "Emerald" steamboat unto the quay you perceive, staggering down Thames Street, those two hackney-coaches, for the arrival of which you have been praying, trembling, hoping, despairing, swearing sw , I beg your pardon, I believe the word is not used in polite company and transpiring, for the last half-hour.

Beak flesh-coloured on edges, feet reddish, a white spot on wing showing in flight. Bill and feet dull blue; a large white spot on wing in flight; female has sides reddish. Bill and feet dark. Bill and feet dark. Bill dark, feet red, eye yellow-orange; a white patch on wings showing in flight Bill and feet dull blue. Bill of male red, paddle-box buff, bill of female and feet of both dark.

A pilot came off to offer his services, but was rejected, and to my delight he hailed in a pure English accent, which sounded like a friendly welcome. The captain took his place on the paddle-box, and our speed was slackened.

Here, the singer was interrupted by varied cries of the most dreadful description, proceeding from some grove in the immediate vicinity of the starboard paddle-box. ‘My child!’ screamed Mrs. Fleetwood. ‘My child! it is his voice—I know it.’ Mr.

On reaching the mouth of the Niger, a party of Kroomen were taken on board. After proceeding some way up the Niger against a strong current, they reached a spot fixed on for establishing a model farm, when the stores for the purpose were landed. Unhappily, the paddle-box boat of the Wilberforce got adrift and sank in the centre of the river, whence she could not be recovered.

The last word had not rolled away, when the gleaming knife flashed from the hand of Rupe, glanced close by Walker's ear, and sped quivering into the paddle-box, just behind his head. "Good for you, Rupe!" exclaimed Walker, lowering his pistol, with a pleasant smile, "good for you! but, sacré bapteme! how dead I'd have shot you, if you hadn't dropped that knife!"

Lord Clarendon wrote afterwards, that "there was not an individual in Dublin who did not take as a personal compliment to himself the Queen's having gone upon the paddle-box and ordered the royal standard to be lowered three times." It was a happy thought of her own.

In the engine-room is a long box with five compartments, each communicating with a wire fastened like a bell-pull to the side of the paddle-box. These handles are marked respectively, "ahead," "slow," "fast," "back," and "hook-on;" and whenever one is pulled, a printed card with the corresponding signal appears in the box opposite the engineer, who has to act accordingly.