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Scared by this escape, Outwood's captain shrank back into his shell, sat on the splice like a limpet, and, offering no more chances, was not out at lunch time with a score of eleven. Mike had then made a hundred and three. As Mike was taking off his pads in the pavilion, Adair came up. "Why did you say you didn't play cricket?" he asked abruptly.

"Not at all, Smith, not at all. Is there anything " "Please, sir " began Spiller. "I understand, sir," said Psmith, "that there is an Archaeological Society in the school." Mr. Outwood's eyes sparkled behind their pince-nez. It was a disappointment to him that so few boys seemed to wish to belong to his chosen band.

Jawed about apses and things." "And thereby," said Psmith, "hangs a tale. I've been making inquiries of a stout sportsman in a sort of Salvation Army uniform, whom I met in the grounds he's the school sergeant or something, quite a solid man and I hear that Comrade Outwood's an archaeological cove. Goes about the country beating up old ruins and fossils and things.

Barnes was among those present, but of the other two representatives of Outwood's house there were no signs. Barnes, questioned on the subject, had no information to give, beyond the fact that he had not seen them about anywhere. Which was not a great help. Adair proceeded with the fielding-practice without further delay. At breakfast that morning he was silent and apparently wrapped in thought.

Each boy, I understand, has quite a considerable number of cubic feet of air all to himself. It is Mr. Outwood's boast that no boy has ever asked for a cubic foot of air in vain. He argues justly " He broke off abruptly and began to watch the other's manoeuvres in silence. Mr. Downing was peering rapidly beneath each bed in turn. "Are you looking for Barnes, sir?" inquired Psmith politely.

This must be Sedleigh. Ten minutes' walk brought him to the school gates, and a baker's boy directed him to Mr. Outwood's. There were three houses in a row, separated from the school buildings by a cricket-field. Outwood's was the middle one of these. Mike went to the front door, and knocked.

Mike turned up his coat-collar, and ran back to Outwood's. "At this rate," he said to himself, "there won't be a match at all to-morrow." When the weather decides, after behaving well for some weeks, to show what it can do in another direction, it does the thing thoroughly. When Mike woke the next morning the world was grey and dripping.

The result was that not only he himself, but also which was rather unfair his house, too, had acquired a good deal of unpopularity. The general consensus of opinion in Outwood's during the luncheon interval was that having got Downing's up a tree, they would be fools not to make the most of the situation.

Outwood's house the idea of searching a fellow-master's house did not appear to him at all a delicate task; somehow one grew unconsciously to feel that Mr. Outwood did not really exist as a man capable of resenting liberties find the paint-splashed boot, ascertain its owner, and denounce him to the headmaster. Picture, Blue Fire and "God Save the King" by the full strength of the company.

Spiller's hot Spanish blood is not going to sit tight and do nothing under a blow like this." "What can he do? Outwood's given us the study." "What would you have done if somebody had bagged your study?" "Made it jolly hot for them!" "So will Comrade Spiller. I take it that he will collect a gang and make an offensive movement against us directly he can.