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A word of this sort in English is order, which came through the French word ordre, from the Latin ordo. In the fourteenth century it began to have the meaning of "fixed arrangement," but the adjective orderly and the noun orderliness did not come into use until the sixteenth century. The word regular has a similar history.

Doubtless its fitness was fully realized by those who belonged to the Ordre de la Mouche-a-miel which she had instituted, and whose members were obliged to swear, by Mount Hymettus, fidelity and obedience to their perpetual dictator. But what pains and chagrins were not compensated by the bit of lemon-colored ribbon and its small meed of distinction!

As the Grecians do beleue, this people, and their ofspring, are they that vsed circumcision. Thei ordre their writyng from their right hande towarde their left, contrary to vs. It was the maner emong them, that the menne should weare two garmentes at ones, the women but one.

A few mornings after this occurrence, when, as Duchesne himself prophesied, all memory of it was completely forgotten, the ordre du jour from the Tuileries commanded all the troops then garrisoned in Paris to be under arms at an early hour in the Champs Élysées, when the Emperor would pass them in review. The spectacle had, however, another object, which was not generally known.

All exerted themselves to the utmost to see who would do the best and bring home the finest game. We found this a very good arrangement, as did also the savages who were with us. Such is the limit of the information which we receive from Champlain regarding the Ordre de Bon Temps, his own invention and the life of the company.

On the table still lay open the ordre du jour which named me to the Legion of Honor; and now the humblest soldier that carried his musket in the ranks was my superior. Not all the principle on which I founded my resolve was proof against this first outburst of my sorrow.

Au reste si quelques-vns suruiuent, i'ay donne ordre de tout ce qu'ils doiuent faire.

Par ordre de l'Empereur, j'ai l'honneur de vous prevenir que vous etes invite, ainsi que Madame Charles Moulton, a passer huit jours au Palais de Compiegne, du 22 au 29 Novembre. Des voitures de la Cour vous attendront le 22, a l'arrivee a Compiegne du train partant de Paris a 2 heures 1/2, pour vous conduire au Palais. Agreez, Monsieur, l'assurance de ma consideration tres distinguee.

I find also in a French pamphlet upon architecture, as applied to shops and dwelling houses, a sixth order, the "Ordre Français," at least as good as any of the three last, and to be hailed with acclamation, considering whence it comes, there being usually more tendency on the other side of the channel to the confusion of "orders" than their multiplication: but the reader will find in the end that there are in very deed only two orders, of which the Greek, Doric, and Corinthian are the first examples, and they not perfect, nor in anywise sufficiently representative of the vast families to which they belong; but being the first and the best known, they may properly be considered as the types of the rest.

Born of French parentage, and inheriting some of the peculiar characteristics of that people might perhaps furnish some excuse. This Spirit says furthermore, you have something which once belonged to her in your possession. "Behold this ruin, 'tis a skull Once of etherial spirit full " "Par quel ordre du Ciel, que je ne puis compendre Vous dis-je plus que je ne dois?"