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Already Octavia's motto was lettered under her lovely portrait over the drawing-room fireplace in the charming simulation of medieval script that the Poetry Girl loved to make, "She would like you to be happy here. You can't be truly happy if you are making anyone else unhappy." The days swept by so fast, Felicia brave as she was, didn't dare count them!

Then he went back to Miss Octavia's garden. The next forenoon Miss Octavia got off the train at the Arundel station with a very grim face. There had been an unusually severe frost for the time of year. All along the road Miss Octavia had seen gardens frosted and spoiled.

If he hain't too busy maybe he'll run you up on the freight elevator, but if he is you can walk. It's apartment 41, fourth floor, front." Ah, you should have seen Octavia's daughter, tired and little and dripping and frumpy, lift her chin and look through and through that impudent Senegambian!

No woman In Alexandria can pray more fervently than I that Cleopatra and her friend may conquer Octavianus. His cold nature, highly as my brother esteems him, is repellent to me. But when I gaze at Octavia's beautiful, chaste, queenly, noble countenance, the mirror of true womanly purity "

Barold, and divers others too numerous to mention, saw him standing at Octavia's side, evidently with no intention of leaving it. Not long after this Francis Barold found his way to Miss Belinda, who was very busy and rather nervous. "Your niece is evidently enjoying herself," he remarked. "Octavia is most happy to-day," answered Miss Belinda. "Her father will reach Slowbridge this evening.

When the poet came to the words, Tu Marcellus eris, alluding to Octavia's son, a youth of great hopes, who had lately died, the mother fainted. After she had recovered from this fit, by the care of her attendants, she ordered ten sesterces to be given to Virgil for every line relating to that subject; a gratuity which amounted to about two thousand pounds sterling.

"There's going to be a hard frost tonight. Octavia's flowers will be nipped as sure as anything. It's a wonder she'd stay away from them overnight when her heart's so set on them." "Her brother's wife is sick," said Mrs. Jenkins. "We haven't had any frost this spring, and I suppose Octavia never thought of such a thing. She'll feel awful bad if her flowers get frosted, especially them dahlias.

"Octavia's great prettiness" "I think," Lady Theobald interposed, "that Lucia has been taught to feel that the body is corruptible, and subject to decay, and that mere beauty is of small moment." Miss Belinda sighed again. "That is very true," she admitted deprecatingly; "very true indeed."