Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 8, 2024

"You've got thirty tons of fuel you want to find the compression ratio of the number-one firing-tube chamber so what do you do?" "Start up the auxiliary, burn a little of the stuff and judge what it'll be," the big cadet replied. "That's the way I did it on the space freighters." "But you're not on a space freighter now!" exclaimed Tom.

He was ready to fight because they wouldn't let him go. You ought to be mighty proud because all men think you are a number-one musher. It isn't a case of how much, but how quick." "How much?" said Cultus George. "Kill him!" "Bust his head!"

Take Alfie Higgins along with you and keep your eye on him. Report back in one hour!" Tom felt a tingle of excitement run up his backbone as he heard the tough skipper give him permission to explore the planet. He saluted and turned away, Alfie trailing him down the ladder. "Hey, Astrooooo!" yelled Tom. "Get number-one jet boat out of the hatch. We're going for a look-see at this place!"

Of course, he assured himself it would never do; the idea of bringing them together was wholly preposterous. And yet A Chinese youth, with a handful of trinkets, slipped into the room, and furtively proffered his wares. "Very good, number-one jade-stone. Make missy velly plitty. Can buy?" Percival motioned him away, only to have him return. "Jade-stone velly nice!

Well, we began with it, and truly it is "number-one" gelatinous, delicate, with an exquisite flavor altogether indescribable. Then followed the other courses. As this dinner was given to foreigners, we had only twelve courses, whereas the usual Chinese dinners run up into the dozens; "forty curses" they are sometimes called by unwary foreigners who have tried to eat their way through a whole meal.

The great masses of humanity stand for nothing at least nothing but nebulous raw material; only the big planets and shining suns for him. To ideas almost invariably languid or cold, a number-one forceful personality was sure to rouse his eulogistic passion and savage joy. In such case, even the standard of duty hereinafter rais'd, was to be instantly lower'd and vail'd.

He, too, smiled the superior smile when I offered him corrosive sublimate and reminded him of my own cruel experience. I was given to understand, with all due suavity and courtesy, that no matter what was the matter with my blood, his number-one, Japanese, Port-Arthur blood was all right and scornful of the festive microbe.

"You mean he's the more aggressive of the three?" "No not necessarily. Corbett shows signs of being a number-one spaceman. And that big cadet, Astro" Strong flashed a white smile that contrasted with his deep space tan "I don't think he could make a manual mistake on the power deck if he tried. You know, I actually saw him put an auxiliary rocket motor together blindfolded!"

His voice had a harsh metallic tone through the headset spacephones. Roger hurried along with Astro to the number-one boat and climbed inside. "Jet boat has its own oxygen system," said Astro to Roger. "Better make use of it while we're in here and save our suits' supplies." "Good idea," said Roger.

Bridger then said, "Now gentlemen I want you to pick out twelve men that are not afraid to ride alone and have number-one eyesight and good hearing, for no doubt there will be many times when the fate of the whole train will depend on these twelve men.

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