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Updated: August 19, 2024

It is a very poor and comfortless place at least you would think it so and is meant to save poor people from sleeping, perhaps dying, in the streets." "Do some people sleep in the streets?" asked Di in great surprise. "Yes, dear, I'm sorry to say that many do." "D'you mean on the stones, in their night-dresses?" asked the child with increasing surprise.

Servants, men and women, were rushing distractedly downstairs, those who slept above; those who slept below were rushing distractedly upstairs. It was a confused scene of night-shirts and night-dresses. Ericson seized one stout footman, whom he knew well by sight and by name: 'Look here, Frederick, he said quietly, 'don't spread any alarm the worst is over.

"'You may take out the clothes from the trunk and dress them; but, before you go, you must put on their night-dresses, and put them to bed in the cradle, and restore all the other clothes to the trunk. The little ones quite trembled with joy; they were past speaking. 'Now, said Mrs. Howard, 'go into the bow-window. The lightning is past. I must keep in my chair, and you must not disturb me.

Never, never could I describe in writing, or even say in plain talk, though it is so much easier, what I felt when I saw two policemen come in, carrying between them what seemed to me to be a dead girl, and that girl Mary! I caught hold of her, and gave a scream that must have alarmed the whole house; for frightened people came crowding downstairs in their night-dresses.

Garnier has recently collected a number of observations of fetichism, in which he mentions individuals who have taken sexual satisfaction from the odors of shoes, night-dresses, bonnets, drawers, menstrual napkins, and other objects of the female toilet.

But it was awake now: the fearful roar which had aroused the sleepers was caused by its having suddenly burst into flame; and it continued to throw high into the sky fire and mud and stones, while the inhabitants of the peaceful little village saved what they could carry, and then fled away in their night-dresses.

Evans, who, beneath a somewhat stern exterior, possessed a really good heart, took Wikkey under her wing, administered warmth and restoratives, washed the grimy little form, cropped and scrubbed the matted locks, and soon the boy, dreamily conscious and wondrously happy, was lying before a blazing fire, clean and fair to look on, enveloped in one of Mrs. Evans' own night-dresses.

After purifying themselves, and aunt showing all the extraordinary fine development of her glorious form, they put on their night-dresses, blew out the lights, and tumbled into bed. I immediately hastened to gain my sisters' room, with my cock standing stiffer than ever. I entered gently they were all asleep.

"Yes, love," said her father, "but in their ordinary clothes, not in their night-dresses they have no night-dresses." Little Di had now reached a pitch of surprise which rendered her dumb, so the missionary continued: "Here is another case. A poor widow called once, and said she would be so grateful if we would admit her little girl and boy into the schools.

And Walter is throttling him! They are fighting dreadfully! They'll kill one another!" Silbertown, the major-domo, came rushing in just then. Seeing the three girls in their night-dresses he made as if to draw back, but Lady Beltham called him in and demanded explanations.

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