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Lend me one of your delicious night-dresses, do, and let me cuddle down beside you the bed's so big, you'll never know I'm there." Sylvia mechanically opened a drawer and handed her the garment she requested. "Gracious, Sylvia, it's like a cobweb perhaps if I marry a rich man, I can have things like this! What an angel you look in yours!

A few days later the child was taken to the hospital for the operation, and was put to bed. When the mother arrived at the hospital she found she had forgotten to bring one of the child's night-dresses, and so the nurses had to supply one, which was white.

And as his frank eyes observed these petticoats that gently rustled, or took in the lace of these night-dresses majestically full as senatorial togas he sadly recalled the poor little white chemises and coarse underwear lacking in all adornment, that the women of his home-town hung out to dry on their clothes-lines. Now a new detail came to increase his misery.

You can imagine the state of their little night-dresses, when they were through with this feast, just a mass of strawberry stain. They were so small and so quiet, that no one in the store noticed them for some time, and no one chanced to pass. At last a lady came by, and spied them. Of course she instantly saw they were runaways, and spoke to them.

The family, consisting of females, including the overseer's wife, who had come for protection, quietly collected in the sitting-room, where a tallow candle, placed not to attract attention from outside, shed a dim light over my ghostlike companions clad in their night-dresses.

Come in, Ellen," said she; "I don't mind you." "I've brought the night-dresses home," said Mrs. Ellis, laying her bundle upon the table, "I hope they'll suit." "Oh, no doubt they will. Did you bring the bill?" asked Mrs. Thomas. The bill was produced, and Mrs. Ellis sat down, whilst Mrs. Thomas counted out the money. This having been duly effected, and the bill carefully placed on the file, Mrs.

"I suppose you have a nightgown?" she questioned. Anne nodded. "Yes, I have two. The matron of the asylum made them for me. They're fearfully skimpy. There is never enough to go around in an asylum, so things are always skimpy at least in a poor asylum like ours. I hate skimpy night-dresses.

Less than three seconds passed when, as Israel was groping his way down the long wide hall towards the large staircase at its opposite end, he heard confused hurrying noises from the neighboring rooms, and in another instant several persons, mostly in night-dresses, appeared at their chamber-doors, thrusting out alarmed faces, lit by a lamp held by one of the number, a rather elderly lady in widow's weeds, who by her appearance seemed to have just risen from a sleepless chair, instead of an oblivious couch.

There was the whole of "David Copperfield," and the beginning of "Our Mutual Friend," ruffled up into the night-dresses; and some of the crochet was beautiful with the rhymed pathos of "Enoch Arden," and some with the poetry of the "Wayside Inn;" and there were places where stitches had had to be picked out and done over, when the eye grew dim and the hand trembled while the great war news was being read.

Men, women and children left their houses in their night-dresses, screaming and crying for help. Nothing could be done to allay the destruction. A great portion of the city was laid in ashes, and many people were in the streets houseless and homeless.