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"Not so fervently, boy," said Lester, laying his hand on his nephew's shoulder; "your tale is yet to be proved, I believe it not. Treat him as innocent, I pray, I command, till you have shown him guilty." "Away, uncle!" said the fiery Walter; "he is my father's murderer. God hath given justice to my hands."

And his friends, their hearts dead within them, praised Victurnien's conduct to the skies. Mlle. Armande prepared the way for her nephew's sudden appearance among them by remarking to her brother that Victurnien would be sure to come to see them, and that he must be even then on his way.

"Good heavens!" he muttered to himself. "Who is that boy? How comes he here?" Frank noticed his intent gaze, and wondered at it, but Mr. Wharton's eyesight was defective, and he did not perceive his nephew's excitement. "I see you have a young visitor, uncle," said John Wade. "Oh, yes," said Mr. Wharton, with a kindly smile. "He spends all his evenings with me."

"You have a kind heart, Walter," said the good old man, pressing his nephew's hand, "and that has more than repaid me for the little I have done for you; it is better to sow a good heart with kindness, than a field with corn, for the heart's harvest is perpetual." Many, keen, and earnest were that night the meditations of Walter Lester.

Cap'n Aaron Sproul, late skipper of the Jefferson P. Benn, sat by the bedside of his uncle, "One-arm" Jerry, and gazed into the latter's dimming eyes. "It ain't bein' a crowned head, but it's honer'ble," pleaded the sick man, continuing the conversation. His eager gaze found only gloominess in his nephew's countenance.

Boldly and adroitly as the whole revolution had been managed, it was none the less a revolution. To crush their opponents the Council had first used, and then set aside, Henry's will. Hertford in turn by the use of his nephew's name set aside both the will and the Council.

I tell you, Earl of Morton, while I hold the sword of state in my royal nephew's name, neither Lord nor Knight in Scotland shall dispute my authority; and if I bear with insults from my friends, it is only while I know them to be such, and forgive their follies for their faithfulness."

The slight flush suggested to Grace that the aunt had awaited the nephew's return in the early dawn, and that they had spoken freely together before separating; but she was the last one in the world to attempt to surprise a secret from another. Still she wished to know the truth, for she felt a little guilty over her reticence in regard to her relations with Hilland.

"I am obliged to make use of my nephew's hand in writing to you, as I do not rise to-day. * "I go very fast to decline, and last night had a small fever, which I hoped might put a quicker period to this tedious illness; but, unluckily, it has in a great measure gone off. I cannot submit to your coming over here on my account, as it is possible for me to see you so small a part of the day; but Dr.

He then, jumping up from the sofa on which he had thrown himself, exclaimed, "My dear uncle, where did you pick up that man?" "Whom do you mean, Harry?" asked the colonel, rather astonished at his nephew's somewhat impertinent manner. "Why, Captain Ripley, who has just left this," answered the lieutenant. "He seems as much at home with Alice as if he were engaged to her.