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Bruce, myself, and Miss La Neige sat in that order in the very narrow and uncomfortable little armchairs used by the students during lectures. At last Kennedy was ready to begin. He took his position behind the long, flat-topped table which he used for his demonstrations before his classes.

My little Chrysantheme for the first time visited me on board-ship to- day, chaperoned by Madame Prune, and followed by my youngest sister in- law, Mademoiselle La Neige. These ladies had the tranquil manners of the highest gentility.

"Apres quelques temps il vit qu'a peine la centieme partie des habitans de l'empire de neige avaient ete conduits sur le chemin de la delivrance. Son ame en fut si douloureusement affectee qu'il eut le desir de retourner dans son paradis. A peine l'avait-il concu, qu'ensuite de ce voeu, sa tete se fendit en dix et son corps en mille pieces.

Si ce monument frêle est de neige et de glace, Nos coeurs pour toi ne le sont pas. De ce monument sans exemple, Couple auguste, l'aspect bien doux pur votre coeur Sans doute vous plaira plus qu'un palais, qu'un temple Que vous élèverait un peuple adulateur.

The Sky Lark is mentioned in Professor Ansted's list as occurring only in Guernsey and Sark. It is, however, quite as common in Alderney and Herm. There is no specimen in the Museum. SNOW BUNTING. Plectrophanes nivalis, Linnaeus. French, "Ortolan de neige," "Bruant de neige." The Snow Bunting is probably a regular, though never very numerous, autumnal visitant, remaining on into the winter.

Bruce, myself, and Miss La Neige sat in that order in the very narrow and uncomfortable little armchairs used by the students during lectures. At last Kennedy was ready to begin. He took his position behind the long, flat-topped table which he used for his demonstrations before his classes.

Don't you remember the auburn-haired leading lady in the Follies' the girl who sings that song about 'Mary, Mary, quite contrary'? Her stage name, you know, is Phoebe La Neige. Well, if it's she who is concerned in this case I don't think she'll be playing to-night. Let's inquire at the box-office."

" 'Les six syllabes sont le sommaire de toute doctrine et l'apre empire de neige, sera rempli de cette doctrine par la force de ces six syllabes Om ma ni pad me houm.

"All right, grenadier, just go and overhaul those fellows sleeping there; take their shawls, sheets, anything " "I say! the rascal is dead," cried the grenadier, as he plundered the first man who came to hand. "Why, they are all dead! how queer!" "All of them?" "Yes, every one. It looks as though the horseflesh a la neige was indigestible." Philip shuddered at the words.

The "Soir," the "Printemps," and "La Chanson du Printemps" carried his soul away, nor could he forbear to sing when he came to the phrase, "La Neige des Pommiers." When musical emotion ran dry he tried painting, but with poor result. During dinner he grew fevered and eager to see Maggie, and mad to tell her that he loved her, and could love none but her.