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We went to the Café "Néant," where I let them put me in the coffin and pretend to be decaying, to amuse her. She thought it was lots of fun. "One morning Lucien had come for me as usual, put me on the divan, and seated himself at his writing table. He was just putting the last words to his novel, and the table was entirely covered with the scattered leaves, closely written.

Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought: And enterprises of great weight and moment With this regard their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action " My version of it runs thus: "Demeure, il faut choisir et passer a l'instant De la vie, a la mort, ou de l'etre au neant.

Prince Bismarck has been really complimentary to the useful phantom of the autocratic might. There is an awe-inspiring idea of infinity conveyed in the word Neant and in Russia there is no idea. She is not a Neant, she is and has been simply the negation of everything worth living for.

"I am leaving this country now, and this is what I bring away from it," he continued, taking off his finger a new ring to show to his colleague the inscription inside: "La Russie, c'est le neant." Prince Bismarck had the truth of the matter and was neither too modest nor too discreet to speak out. Certainly he was not afraid of not being believed.

When Danton was condemned to the guillotine, he said, flinging a pellet of bread at the nose of his respectable judge, 'Mon individu sera bientot dans le neant. My patrimony is there already! I am loaded with debts. I see before me, on the one side, ruin or suicide; on the other side, wedlock and wealth."

It, though based on a revolt from the Philosophie du neant, philosophie de la misere, as it used to term the laissez faire School, yet retained the worst fallacy of its foe, namely, that man was the creature of circumstances; and denied him just as much as its antagonist the possession of freewill, or at least the right to use freewill on any large scale.

In comparing my work with other work of the same kind, I find a sort of relative satisfaction; but I see the intrinsic futility of it, and the insignificance of its success or failure. I do not believe in the public; I do not believe in my own work; I have no ambition, properly speaking, and I blow soap-bubbles for want of something to do. "Car le neant peut seul bien cacher l'infini."

When all this had been painted in the most glowing colors, when his wounds were laid bare, he wrote a last and touching farewell to his friend: "Adieu, D'Argens! dans ce tableau, De mon trepas tu vois la cause; Au moins ne pense pas du neant du caveau, Que j'aspire a l'apotheose.

For good or evil in the working out of her destiny, Russia is bound to remain a Neant for many long years, in a more even than a Bismarckian sense.

"She was from Picardy; and he tells of her horrible accent, and in elegy number five he continues the confession, telling how his well beloved used to get drunk. "Tu fis le saut de ... Seine et, depuis morte-vive, Tu gardes le vertige et le gout du neant."