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"Nothing," answered the man.... "What is it?" "Where are the others sleeping?" "Where they were told to sleep.... Why, is there anything ..." "Hold your tongue come with me." Naum stealthily opened the door and went out into the yard. It was very dark outside.... The roofed-in parts and the posts could only be distinguished because they were a still deeper black in the midst of the black darkness.

Naum took it at once and thrust it in his bosom. "Naum Ivanitch," Avdotya said slowly, keeping her eyes fixed on him, "oh, Naum Ivanitch, you will bring my soul to ruin." It was at that instant that the servant came up to them. And so Akim was sitting on the bench discontentedly stroking his beard. Avdotya kept coming into the room and going out again. He simply followed her with his eyes.

The city of Naum is a frontier of the Chinese empire, so fortified, as some will tell you, that millions of Tartars cannot batter down their walls; by which certainly one might think one of our cannons would do more execution than all their legions.

"But I have told you.... It really is astonishing that you don't understand me." "Not understand, madam? But I do understand." Lizaveta Prohorovna looked at Naum and Naum looked at Lizaveta Prohorovna. "Well, then," he began, "what do you propose?" "I propose ..." Lizaveta Prohorovna moved in her chair. "In the first place I tell you that two thousand is too little and in the second ..."

Pooxapoot: come here. Kat oetsits: none, I have none. Keet sta kee: a beaver. Naum: a bow. Stooan: a knife. Sassoopats: ammunition. Meenee: beads. Poommees: fat. Miss ta poot: keep off. Saw: no. Stwee: cold; it is cold. Pennakomit: a horse. On the 6th of February we accompanied Mr.

"I can manage him alone for a time I am sitting on him.... Make haste! And bring a belt to tie his hands." Fyodor ran into the house.... The man whom Naum was holding suddenly left off struggling. "So it seems wife and money and home are not enough for you, you want to ruin me, too," he said in a choking voice. Naum recognised Akim's voice.

In Naum's cellar, with my arms and legs tied like a sheep that's where I spent the night. I tried to set fire to the place, but he caught me Naum did; he is too sharp! And to-day he meant to take me to the town but he let me off; so I can't claim the money from him.... 'When did I borrow money from you? he would say.

His face was pale but he looked keenly around him and his step was not that of a drunken man.... He walked in the direction of his former dwelling, the inn, which had now completely passed into the possession of its new owner Naum. Naum, too, was awake when Akim stole out of Yefrem's house. He was not asleep; he was lying on a bench with his sheepskin coat under him.

We have said already that he did not suspect his wife's feeling for Naum, although kind friends had more than once hinted to him that it was time he opened his eyes; it is true that he had noticed himself that of late his wife had become rather difficult, but we all know that the female sex is capricious and changeable.

"You won't consider me in your debt?" "You won't be in my debt, I shall not be in yours." Naum was silent again. "And will you swear it?" "Yes, as God is holy," answered Akim. "Well, I know I shall regret it," said Naum, "but there, come what may! Give me your hands." Akim turned his back to him; Naum began untying him.