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But if he is obstinate, and if you persist in refusing to obey the dictates of your heart to break with him, he, as you have said, is a doomed man." So earnest was his tone, so serious his manner, that Myra felt her heart contract, but she forced herself to treat his speech as a joke. "Don Carlos, you are an impossible person!" she exclaimed.

Myra rose, moved forward a few steps and stood, leaning her arm upon the mantelpiece and looking down upon the bank of ferns and lilies. "Hush, Jim," she said, gently. "You forget to whom you are speaking." "I am speaking," cried Jim Airth, in furious desperation, "to the woman I have won for my own; and who is mine, and none other's.

Again, a number of new and promising writers have not quite attained sureness of touch; although that they are acquiring it is manifest in the work of Ben Ames Williams, Edison Marshall, Frances Wood, Samuel Derieux, John Russell, Beatrice Ravenel and Myra Sawhill.

Nevertheless he gazed sometimes from the cliff top down on the cabin where Bland and Myra lived, and something stirred him so that he wished them gone.

I'm afraid, however, that you have made it difficult for Myra Nell." "So it appears. I didn't think of her when I entered this delightful prison." "You had no choice." "It wasn't altogether that. I wanted to be near you, Vittoria." Her glance was level and cool, her voice steady. "It was chivalrous to try to spare me the necessity of explaining.

He took a last look at her face. Silent tears stole slowly down it, and fell upon her folded hands. A spasm of anguish shot across Jim Airth's set features. "Ah, I must go," he said, suddenly. "God keep you, always." He turned so quickly, that his hand was actually upon the handle of the door, before Myra reached him, though she sprang up, and flew across the room. "Jim," she said, breathlessly.

Is it really true that you are going to marry Mr. Airth? And have you known him long?" And Myra smiling down into Susie's plump anxious face replied: "Well, as a matter of fact, Miss Susannah, Jim Airth is going to marry me. And I cannot explain how long I have known him. I seem to have known him all my life."

"So this is English hospitality, señorita!" he resumed, after a pause. "The Lady Fermanagh, your charming aunt, told you to offer me tea, but not even a spoonful have you proffered me." He assumed such an absurdly pathetic expression that Myra laughed in spite of herself, and quite forgot to continue to be angry and offended.

It was a prop to his soul or was it, he asked himself, merely his vanity? that Myra could look behind the grimness of his features and dwell fondly on the essential man, on the reality behind that dreadful mask. Still, Hollister knew that to be only a mood, that unexpected tenderness for a woman whom he had hated for betraying him. It was Doris he wanted.

I shall go abroad as soon as may be; but am obliged to remain in town until I have completed work which I am under contract with my publishers to finish. It will take a month, at most. "If you want me, Myra I mean if you need me I could come at any moment. A wire to my Club would always find me. "May I know how you are? "Wholly yours, "Jim Airth."