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"Why ther's Mummychog", she exclaimed, "leading a gran' black charger, wi' a tall brave youth a walkin' by his side. Wha can he be?" At that moment a low, clear laugh rang out upon the air, reaching the ears of the little company assembled in the parlor. At the sound, Mr. Brown's pale face changed to a perfectly ashen hue, then flushed to a deep crimson.

He was not courtly in his reception of strangers. The missionary, however, had dealt with several varieties of the human animal before, and was by no means disturbed at this nonchalance. "I believe you are from the States, as well as myself, Mr. Mummychog", said he, after a short silence. "I'm from the Kennebec River", said Micah, laconically.

But ye needn't merry me unless ye like me neow remember. She looked at me, jest as soon as I sed that, and caught up my big hand inter her little one, and ses she, 'O law, Micah, I'd merry ye ef yer name was Mummychog, and ye needn't build a heouse, nor nuthin'. I ken go right to the old place jest as well.

He had placed in the mind of Micah Mummychog a small fusee, so to speak, which he foresaw would fire a whole train of discarded ideas and cast-off thoughts, and he expected to hear from it. He filled up the day with a round of calls upon the various families of the neighborhood, and came home to his lodgings at Mr.

Norton had entered the house, and scanning him from head to foot with his keen, penetrating glance. "I spose you aint much used to firearms?" "I have some acquaintance with them; but my present vocation don't require their use". Here Mr. Mummychog rose, and laying his gun on the table, scratched his head, turned toward Mr. Norton and said, "Hev yeou any pertikilar business with me?"

Dubois meditated. "I do not know of one, sir", he said. "They all drink, swear, gamble, and profane holy things, and seem to have no respect for either God or man". "It is too true", remarked Mrs. Dubois. "Now, father", said Adèle, assuming an air of wisdom, that sat rather comically on her youthful brow, "I think Micah Mummychog would be just the person to help this gentleman".

McNab, Micah Mummychog, and others, of the worth, benevolence, power, and present grandeur of said family, that these persons are more than willing, they feel honored in retaining the name of Dubois in this parish. The above is written, to elucidate to your minds the fact, obvious enough here, that you are not forgotten.

"I am quite extensively acquainted in that region, but do not remember to have heard your name before. It is rather an uncommon one". "I guess ye won't find many folks in them parts, ez is called Mummychog", said Micah, with a twinkle of the eye and something like a grin, on his sombre visage. "You've a snug place here, Mr. Micah", said Mr.

Somers, "but I want you to look at the horse Mummychog has brought for me". "Ah! yes", said John, and seizing his hat, he accompanied his friend to the stables. Their observations over, they returned to the house. "You have had a fit of solitude, quite unusual, my boy", said Mr. Somers, planting his hand on John's shoulder. "Yes, quite.

Norton, with another peal of laughter, "we do have some curious names in our parts". "Micah Mummychog!" exclaimed Mr. Dubois, "what are you thinking of, Adèle? Why, the fellow drinks and swears as hard as the rest of them". "Not quite", persisted the child, "and besides, he has some good about him, I know". "What have you seen good about him, pray?" said her father.