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She went softly downstairs, followed by a trail of tittering girls, who hardly knew how to restrain themselves. 'Whist, can't you? Whist! said Hollyhock. 'Do you want to spoil the whole thing by unseemly mirth? Now, then, mum's the word. Wee Jeanie shall sleep in my room to-night; but I somehow fancy that I have shown Leuchy who means to be head of the school.

Speak of this matter to me alone whenever you like; or to Aunt Hannah alone whenever you like; but to no others; and not even to us when we are together! for I cannot bear that this old tragic history should become the subject of general conversation." "I know, Ishmael, my boy, I know! Mum's the word!" said Reuben. And the entrance of Hannah at that moment put an end to the conversation.

Jocelyn's face, said, "If yees ever spakes of what yer've sane, I'll be the death of ye by the V'argin I will; so mum's the word, or it'll be worse for ye." When Mildred returned she found her mother nervously prostrated. "I've had a bad turn," was her only explanation. "Mamma," cried Mildred, in sharp distress, "we must leave this place. It's killing you."

And it's filling up, every day people coming from everywhere. I've got the biggest scheme on earth and I'll take you in; I'll take in every friend I've got that's ever stood by me, for there's enough for all, and to spare. Mum's the word don't whisper keep yourself to yourself. You'll see! Come! rush! hurry! don't wait for anything! "It's the same old boy, Nancy, jest the same old boy ain't he?"

"To 'Enry, too, doc., if you'll be so good, mum's the word! 'Enry 'ud never forgive me, nay, or you eether, if it got to 'is 'ears I'd bin an' let the cat outer the bag. An' 'e's got a bit of a down on you as it is, for it 'avin' bin your place I met the future Mrs. O. at."

The large bearded man was up once more. "I rise to object. There isn't any such place. The com commanding general'll put him in irons for misrepresenting the sidereal system. There's only heaven, hell, and the enemy. Yaaaaih, Yaai.... Yaaai, yaaaah, yaaaaih! Certainly, sergeant. The pleasure is mine, sir. Don't mention it, I beg. Mum's the word!" "The moon on the tower slept soft as snow"

"You go down to your tea, may dears; Ay ain't going to be a selfish old uncle. No, no, go along with you, both of you, and send old Finch up to me. But look here!" he called after them, in a hoarse whisper, "mum's the word!" The sun shone brilliantly, and the weather seemed to repent of its late burst of temper. Never had there been such a lovely September!

"And as you say, mum's the word. We don't want them to get onto the fact that she's here. That's the idea, isn't it?" "Absolutely." "Then," she said, wrinkling her brow, "I wouldn't repeat this story to Mr. Lyndon Rushcroft, father of yours truly. He would blab it all over the county. The greatest press stuff in the world.

"Will you be quiet, Robin?" said I, rather sternly; "how can I get over this very difficult matter if you go on interrupting me so?" "Mum's the word!" returned the boy, folding his hands, and assuming a look of ridiculous solemnity. At that moment we heard a noise of pattering feet on the landing outside.

"But," said Kitty, changing colour as she spoke, "do you really mean " "I mean that mum's the word at present," was Mrs. Aylmer's mysterious remark. "Help me, Kitty Sharston, like a good girl, and for goodness sake don't make yourself look too pretty to-night. I don't want him to turn his attention to you, I may as well say so frankly."