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At last our conveyance stopped once more with a jerk, and the driver jumping down opened the door. A black mudhole blocked the lane. A mound of garbage crowned with the dead body of a dog arrested us not. An empty Australian beef tin bounded cheerily before the toe of my boot. Suddenly we clambered through a gap in a prickly fence....

There wasn't a wagon anywhere around the station, and the agent wouldn't lift a finger. It was blind dark. I walked off the end of the platform, and went plump into a mudhole. I waded up as far as the street crossing, where there was an electric light, and ran across a big lumber yard, and hung around until I found the night watchman.

Fresh air makes me so sleepy." "And Fooled you! Got through that mudhole, anyway! And he said Look! Fields stretch out so here, and not a tree except the willow-groves round those farmhouses. And he said 'Gee' so many times, and 'dinner' for the noon meal. And his nails No, I suppose he really is just a farm youngster." Mr. Boltwood did not answer.

I am all the time thinking about the Huns. And it is strictly necessary hereabouts. Flanders, a Mudhole, February, 1915. ... Is not my old friend Anderson's plan the only natural, practical, efficient method by which to humanize their barbarous instincts?

He dashed across the marsh, and came back again to Karr, without having stepped into a mudhole. "Have we seen the whole forest now?" he asked. "No, not yet," said Karr. He next conducted the elk to the skirt of the forest, where fine oaks, lindens, and aspens grew. "Here your kind eat leaves and bark, which they consider the choicest of food; but you will probably get better fare abroad."

The shock rifles cracked against the armorlike hide of the monster, momentarily stunning him, but in the darkness and rain, they were unable to get a clear head shot. When Tom finally pulled himself out of the mudhole, they struggled onward through the jungle, with only one shot left in each blaster. "How much farther, Astro?" asked Tom, his voice weak with fatigue. "I'm starting to fold too."

The rain continued, increasing in fury until they were enveloped in a nearly solid wall of water. In a little while the floor of the jungle became one continuous mudhole, with each step taking them ankle-deep into the sucking mud. Their climb was uphill, and the water from above increased, washing down around them in torrents.

I'm old enough to be your father's brother, and I've a daughter older than you, and I'll tog you out in fripperies when we get to Dawson if it takes my last dollar." "When we get to Dawson!" The scorn had come back to her throat with a sudden surge. "You'll rot on the way, first. You'll drown in a mudhole. You you Britishers!"

"Because if we ever hope to mine anything in this miserable mudhole, we've got to use them to do it. There just isn't any other way." With Simpson leading, they donned waist-high waders with wide, flat silicone-coated pans strapped to the feet and started out to inspect the installation. A crowd of a dozen or more Venusian natives swarmed happily around them like a pack of hounds.

I wished we might reef in some of our green tree sails, which reminded me of Ah Fu's terror of the land and longing to be at sea in bad weather. Simile and his boys are building or, rather, excavating, a hurricane refuge. I went to see it yesterday and found it a big mudhole with immense boulders heaving up from the bottom.