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When Brummy and Swampy came to a shed where shearing was in full swing, they'd inquire, first thing, and with some show of anxiety, if there was any chance of gettin' on; if the shed was full-handed they'd growl about hard times, wonder what the country was coming to; talk of their missuses and kids that they'd left in Sydney, curse the squatters and the Government, and, next morning, get a supply of rations from the cook and depart with looks of gloom.

We, that is Lucy and I, remained abroad several years, returning home in the Smudge, on the last voyage she ever made as belonging to me. Neb had often been out in the ship, just to vary the scene; and he came to Havre in her, as a matter of course, when 'Masser Mile, 'Miss Lucy, and their two 'young Massers, and two 'young Missuses, were ready to come home.

But that honour and glory demanded it, she would almost as lief have had no Patience Crabstick to pry into her most private matters. All which Crabstick knew, and would often declare her missus to be "of all missuses the most slyest and least come-at-able." On this present night she was very soon despatched to her own chamber.

They opened fire on us at about 100 yards, and the burghers promptly returned their greeting, bowling over a fair number of them, at which the remainder retired. Alongside the fort were about 20 small huts, in which we found a number of kaffir girls. On being asked who they were, they repeated that they were the "missuses" of the white soldiers.

"They have forgotten to tip you, Gertie," he said. Without heeding a stare of astonishment strongly tinctured with indignation, he stooped in unnecessary scrutiny of the Mercury's tires. The minx tossed her head. "Some folks are as grand as their missuses," she remarked, and went back to her garden. But Smith looked puzzled.

When he thought he had got a good position for manly defence or rapid retreat, as either might become necessary the county Leitrim-man put on a bolder front and resumed the discourse. "If it's so indifferent to ye where ye dwell," asked Mike, "why can't you keep at home, and let a body carry these cloaks and bundles of the missuses, out yonder to the house wither she's gone?"

There is no exaggeration in this, for natives of Bath have assured me they can recall similar displays at the fashionable church of Sundays when these noble creatures, arrayed gorgeously as "generals," were ranged in lines outside "waiting their missuses," pace Mr. John Smauker.

Besides, they are such tiny children . . ." There are many skippers' missuses, but only one mother of Georgina, Jane, and Cornelius James. The First Lieutenant capitulated. "I vote we don't have any grown-ups, either," contributed the Junior Watchkeeper, "except ourselves. Mothers and nurses always spoil children's parties."

"Well, sir, I'll tell yer: they looks just like the tops o' bread loaves going to the oven." "Like what?" "I mean like the holes the missuses makes in the dough with their fingers. Finishes off by giving a poke in the top with a finger, and that closes up into a crinkly slit with a swelling around." "Bah!" growled Aleck. "Well, you would ask me, sir." "Yes, of course. Something like Big Jem's?"

"By ," exclaimed Wilson, as his acquaintance jumped into the wagon, "this is coming to rather close quarters." "If so be," replied Jack, "as there vos henny har tillery in the vay, it might urt the missuses jam pots, seein as 'ow we can't be much hover a mile from them, from this 'ere place."