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The quantity of foul and pestilential abuse which we found in his pockets makes me loth he should go altogether free Please to look at them, sir." "A most vile hand," said Oliver, as he looked at a sheet or two of our friend Wildrake's poetical miscellanies "The very handwriting seems to be drunk, and the very poetry not sober What have we here?

Don't let them break your heart; for that is plain to me, is now what some people have in view for you to do. How poor to withhold from you your books, your jewels, and your money! As money is all you can at present want, since they will vouchsafe to send your clothes, I send fifty guineas by the bearer, enclosed in single papers in my Norris's Miscellanies.

The very next evening saw Mr Boffin peeping in at the preserved frogs in Mr Venus's shop-window, and saw Mr Venus espying Mr Boffin with the readiness of one on the alert, and beckoning that gentleman into his interior. Responding, Mr Boffin was invited to seat himself on the box of human miscellanies before the fire, and did so, looking round the place with admiring eyes.

A second edition of the Miscellanies appeared in the same year as the first, namely in 1743. From this date until the publication of Tom Jones in 1749, Fielding produced no work of signal importance, and his personal history for the next few years is exceedingly obscure. We are inclined to suspect that this must have been the most trying period of his career.

Yet another is marked by W.C. Stewart's The Practical Angler , in which is taught the new doctrine of "up-stream" fishing for trout. This is a book of permanent value. Among the many books of this period Charles Kingsley's Miscellanies stands out, for it contains the immortal "Chalk-Stream Studies." Another well-known and excellent writer, Mr.

He first gave it for in matter of prose style Richardson has few resources, and those rather respectable than transporting, and decidedly monotonous the attractions of pure literature in form, and in pretty various form. He stocked it with infinite miscellanies of personage, and scene, and picture, and phrase.

Curiously enough, as in the case of Carlyle, it was in America that the public appreciation of these essays first took the form of book publication; and Macaulay's "Miscellanies" were published in Boston in 1840, and in Philadelphia in 1842.

Criticism: Essay, by Swinburne, in Miscellanies. Anthony Trollope. Criticism: H.T. Peck's Introduction to Royal edition, vol. 1. Essays: by H. James, in Partial Portraits; by Harrison, in Early Victorian Literature. See also Cross, The Development of the English Novel. Charlotte and Emily Brontë. Texts: Works, Haworth edition, edited by Mrs. Life of Charlotte Brontë: by Mrs.

He afterwards removed to London, and took a house in Lincoln's Inn Fields, which soon became the daily resort of all the nervous and credulous women of the metropolis. A very amusing account of Greatraks at this time , is given in the second volume of the "Miscellanies of St. Evremond," under the title of the Irish prophet. It is the most graphic sketch ever made of this early magnetiser.

As such it properly concludes the Drapier series. The text of the letter here printed is that of Faulkner collated with that given in the fifth volume of "Miscellanies," issued in London in. 1735. I have been told, that petitions and addresses, either to King or Parliament, are the right of every subject; providing they consist with that respect, which is due to princes and great assemblies.