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Brilliana laughed merrily. "No, no; 'tis a most wonderful wild-fowl. My people swear he is mettled in all gentle arts, from the manage of horses to the casting of a falcon." Sir Blaise shook his staff in protest of indignation. "Is it possible that such a rascal usurps the privileges of gentlefolk?" "He carries himself like a gentleman," Brilliana answered.

Emerging at length from the deep and overshadowed valley, a steep hill raised its crest in advance, but still up the stony acclivity the feet of the mettled steed rattled rapidly, and flashed fire from the flinty path.

Some of its rounds are wanting; others are loose and worn to a mere splinter. Warned by the voice below me, I proceed with a trembling caution, tenfold more exciting to the strained nerves than the wildest bound on a mettled racer, the fiercest rush that ever tingled through every fibre of the rider's frame.

After they had been there some time, the King caused some horses to be brought that had been lately taken in, and though they were not as yet thoroughly managed, he was for mounting one of them, and ordered his attendants to mount others; the King and the Duke de Nemours hit upon the most fiery and high mettled of them.

Zeal without knowledge is like a mettled horse without eyes, or like a sword in a madman's hand; and there is no knowledge where there is not the word. Repentance carries with it a divine rhetoric, and persuades Christ to forgive a multitude of sins committed against him.

"Perhaps," he added, "they will strive to keep me by force, but by God's help I shall soon be with you again, and we will ride to Succoth together." With these words he hurried out, unheeding the questions his nephew called after him; for he had heard the rattle of wheels outside. Two chariots, drawn by mettled steeds, rapidly approached the tent and stopped directly before the entrance.

Yorke swung up on the splendid, mettled black "Parson." He had an ideal cavalry seat, and as with an easy grace he gently controlled his impatient horse, with an inscrutable, mask-like countenance he watched Redmond and the sorrel "Fox." With toe in the leather-covered stirrup the latter reached for the saddle-horn.

The chosen champions followed by two and two. There was a cast of anxiety on several of their faces, for they had that morning discovered the absence of one of their appointed number; and, in a contest so desperate as was expected, the loss seemed a matter of importance to all save to their high mettled chief, MacGillie Chattanach.

The poor boys, who were but shouting and brawling after the nature of mettled youth the most with nought of malice are penned up like sheep for the slaughter ay, and worse than sheep, for we quarter not our mutton alive, whereas these poor younglings babes of thirteen, some of them be indicted for high treason!

Then a shrill inquiry from above. 'What's the matter, George? 'Nothings. I know where I but it now. I will not haf my babers mettled. Then more dictation, the dictator waddling fiercely across the room and back again for ten minutes or so. Then a rush to the door, and a new call upstairs. 'Who the tevil Oh, it's all right I remember where I put it. Then more dictation, and a third rush.