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Updated: August 26, 2024

"Nay, touch me not my lord, lest thou repent hereafter for now do I see that happiness is not for me now must I say such words as shall slay thy love for me, so touch me not." "Ha, never say so!" cried Sir Jocelyn, "not touch thee? art not mine own beloved Mellent?" "Nay, I am the lady Winfrida " "Thou Winfrida the rich and proud in these rags? Thou, Winfrida the Fair? thy raven hair "

Now if there be any here do know this witch Mellent for innocent, if there be any here dare adventure his body for her innocence and run the peril of mortal combat with Sir Gilles, let him now stand forth." And immediately the trumpets sounded a challenge.

"Now when spake I with witch ere this? 'Tis true there was a lady something of thy seeming who, to gain much, promised much, and achieved me nothing. So now do I know thee far one Mellent, a notable witch, that shall this day instead of ducal crown, wear crown of flame. Alack! and so, farewell!"

"My lord, 'tis naught but poor Ulf, a natural, messire, very strong and faithful, that hath fought mightily and is nigh slain in our defence see how he bleeds! Let them not harm him, my lord!" "Yet have I seen him ere this, methinks." "But for the maid Mellent thou wilt not let her burn and for thy deeds?" "Mine, forsooth! How mean you?"

Now as he was busied thus, came the maid Mellent, very pale 'neath her long black hair, and spake him low-voiced and humble: "My lord Beltane, thou, at peril of thy body, hath saved to-day a sorrowful maid from the fiery torment. So to prove my gratitude and sorrow for past ill now will I tell thee that in saving me, thou hast saved one that for ambition's sake, once did thee grievous wrong."

The bodie of the said earle was buried at Mans, with a great funerall pompe: his three sonnes Henrie, Geffrey, and William being present. This citie belonged to earle Waleran de Mellent, at that season: for king Stephan to his owne hinderance had giuen it vnto him.

High over him leapt Beltane, to catch the roan's loose bridle, to swing himself up, and so, with stirrups flying and amid a sudden clamour of roaring voices, to thunder down the lists where Roger's heavy sword flashed, as smiting right and left, he stooped and swung the maid Mellent before him. "Ride, Roger ride!

The maid Mellent had sunk upon her knees and was praying desperate prayers with face upturned to heaven; but none was there to mark her now amid that silent gathering all eyes were strained to watch those grim and silent horsemen that fronted each other, the length of the lists between; even Duke Ivo, leaning on lazy elbow, looked with glowing eye and slow-flushing cheek, ere he let fall his truncheon.

"I do think thee true and worthy knight, Sir Jocelyn, and moreover " But of a sudden, Roger's voice reached them from without, hoarse with terror. "Master O master, beware! 'Tis the witch, lord O beware!" And with the cry, lo! a hurry of feet running swift and light, a rustle of flying garments, and there, flushed and panting, stood the witch the witch Mellent that was the lady Winfrida.

Forasmuch as this witch, yclept Mellent, did, by her unhallowed spells and magic, compass and bring about the escape from close duress of one Beltane, a notable outlaw, malefactor and enemy to our lord the Duke; and whereas she did also by aid of charms, incantations and the like devilish practices, contrive the sack, burning and total destruction of my lord Duke's good and fair castle of Garthlaxton upon the March.

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