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Thinks I, the Lord a massy on your clients, you hungry half starved lookin critter, you, you'll eat em up alive as sure as the Lord made Moses. You are just the chap to strain at a goat and swallow a camel, tank, shank and flank, all at a gulp.

Had it been possible for him to have marched two hours earlier than he did and his orders were to march as early as possible his doing so would have made all the difference in the world to Massy, and could scarcely have failed to change the face of the day. He did not discover the lost guns, but he struck the Afghan rear, which was speedily broken and dispersed by the 67th and 3d Sikhs.

"You quite sure, Massy Easy, that all galley rascals below gone?" asked Mesty. "Yes," replied Easy, "you may see that; look at some of them bound there, under charge of the soldiers." "Den, sar, I tink it high time we go too." "So do I, Mesty; but how?" "How? stop a little. They all went, and with united strength pulled up the board.

Once more the officer pounded with his club on the basement door. "Come there!" he cried. "Get up and dress and skip out if you don't want to be drowned! The river is rising. It will flood all these basement tenements! You'll have to clear out all of you! Wake up and get out! We'll help you! Open the door!" "Oh, massy me! A flood!" cried Jeff's mother.

We turned down into a narrower street, and after proceeding a little way, passed under a massy arched gateway, and found ourselves in the spacious court-yard of this princely mansion.

In Africa, they tell us a story, people used from time to time to find little grains of gold in a sandpit, which they had to deliver up to the poor black king as his property. With the help of these he would then buy all sorts of things from foreiners. One day going a little deeper they fell in with two good-sized lumps of massy solid gold.

That work is much too hard for you," I cried with a sudden chivalry, which only won rude answer. "Zeed me adooing of thic, every naight last ten year, Jan, wiout vindin' out how hard it wor. But if zo bee thee wants to help, carr peg's bucket for me. Massy, if I ain't forgotten to fade the pegs till now."

Thinks I, the Lord a massy on your clients, you hungry, half-starved lookin' critter you, you'll eat 'em up alive as sure as the Lord made Moses. You are jist the chap to strain at a goat and swallow a camel, tank, shank and flank, all at a gulp.

The shores on either side are very steep, and the large oak-trees which have anchored their roots in every crevice of the rock, throw their fantastic arms far over the foaming waterfall, the deep green of their massy foliage forming a beautiful contrast with the white, flashing waters that foam over the shoot at least fifty feet below the brow of the limestone rock.

§ XIII. These two characters, then, are common to all noble towers, however otherwise different in purpose or feature, the first, that they rise from massy foundation to lighter summits, frowning with battlements perhaps, but yet evidently more pierced and thinner in wall than beneath, and, in most ecclesiastical examples, divided into rich open work: the second, that whatever the form of the tower, it shall not appear to stand by help of buttresses.