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I read some things in the New York papers about her father and his invention, and about her traveling round with him and helping him with his business." "In Germany they wur," she put in, forgetting herself. "They're havin' big doin's over th' invention. What Joe 'u'd do wi'out th' lass I canna tell. She's doin' every bit o' th' managin' an' contrivin' wi' them furriners but he'll never know it.

An' I feel it's my place t' tell you that it ain't a bad chance fur you. Mark's a steady, slow fellow, but he ain't lackin'. You're dreadful giddy an' don't take t' house ways. Mark's father is the best housekeeper I know on. He's sort of daft; but all the sense he has left is gone t' cookin' an' managin' a house.

Don't take a penny! don't take a fraction! Get into a passion, and swear you'll shoot him unless he accepts him as a present. If he does, all's right; he can twine the Bishop round his finger." "I see, sir," said Denis; "I see! Let me alone for managin' him." The barrister was already engaged in examining the horse's mouth, as is usual, when the priest accosted him with

My new shute o' clothes had to be took in twice, I'm got so thin; but little you cares. Then, after a pause, 'Libby, mavourneen, you'd be a grand hand at managin' a little store; now the one at the "Corner" 'll be shut. 'Spose we tried it togedder, eh, mabouchal?

"'Cordin' to my notion," he said, "you wouldn't have to know much. You wouldn't have to manage her. If she wasn't managin' you yes, and me, too inside of a month, I'd miss my guess. She's a born manager. You ought to see her handle them dolls and that cat." When the two partners of Hamilton and Company went upstairs to their own bedrooms they opened the door of the spare room and peeped in.

"Between seventy and eighty pounds," replied Nanny; "the masther isn't sure to a pound or so; but he knows it was near eighty, any way." "That's just like him," said Cavanagh; "his careless way of managin'. Many a time I wondher at him; he slobbers everything about that you'd think he'd beggar himself, an' yet the luck and prosperity flows to him.

"That ain't settled yet." "How'd you come to fetch her over here? You're the last ones I ever thought would be fetchin' a child to visit you. Say, you ain't cal'latin' to keep her for good, are you?" Zoeth hesitated. Shadrach's answer was emphatic. "Course not," he snapped. "What do Zoeth and me know about managin' a child? Keep her for good, the idea!" Isaiah chuckled.

"I wonder," he said, "how in the world we'll be managin'. Will I go down to the station beyant, an' give them that money ordher, an' tell them Larry bid them give us tickets to America for it, or will I have to take it to the post-office first? Mrs. Murphy said it was a post-office ordher, but sure they wouldn't be givin' us tickets for America at the post-office."

It's fair putrid to think o' a' the terrible hard wark we're daein' here to nae purpose. I wisht I was deid! Can ye len' 'us a bob? 'I ha'ena got it, Wullie; honest. Willie sadly shook his head. 'That moll o' yours, said he, 'is awfu' expensive. Ye've nae notion o' managin' weemen. Listen, an' I'll tell ye something. Ye mind last Monday?

After managin' to withstand the women o' foreign lands for a' thae years, he gaed fair skeer aboot this stocky at Tilliedrum. She's juist seventeen years auld, an' the auld fule sits wi' his airm round her in Eppie's hoose, though they've been mairit this fortnicht." "The doited fule," said Jess.