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The other night, however, on the promenade of the Madison Square Roof Garden, I was delighted to see it growing all over the oblong dome of the auditorium, in response to the cry of a homesick cricket which found itself in exile there at the base of a potted ever green.

Madison, the single question before the court, so far as that case can be applied to this, was whether the legislature could give this court original jurisdiction in a case in which the Constitution had clearly not given it, and in which no doubt respecting the construction of the article could possibly be raised.

To some readers of these pages it may seem like profanation to pass over poets like Sill, George Woodberry, Edith Thomas, Richard Hovey, William Vaughn Moody, Madison Cawein to mention but half a dozen distinguished names out of a larger company and to suggest that James Whitcomb Riley, more completely than any American poet since Longfellow, succeeded in expressing the actual poetic feelings of the men and women who composed his immense audience.

And it was because Madison Hendricks, the first man to leave for the war, was father of Bob and Elmer Hendricks that John's first associations of the great Civil War go back to the big black-bearded man.

If you've got anything to say, why spill it." Brockton rose impatiently. His voice rising in anger, he said: "We're not talking business now, but women. How much money do you earn?" For a moment Madison was taken aback by the very impudence of the question. He glared at his questioner, and half rose from his seat with a threatening gesture.

GOUVERNEUR MORRIS remarked, that, as the clause now stands, it implies that the Legislature may tax freemen imported. Mr. SHERMAN, in answer to Mr. GORHAM, observed, that the smallness of the duty showed revenue to be the object, not the discouragement of the importation. Mr. MADISON thought it wrong to admit in the Constitution the idea that there could be property in men.

From any share in this responsibility, however, Madison must be relieved. He was in very constant correspondence with Monroe, and kept him carefully advised as to the progress of the treaty. No man desired its defeat more earnestly than he, and he believed that a majority of the people were opposed to it.

I notice that you've been sticking the can-opener into it." "Yes; that protest of the original stockholders against the reorganization is still pending. As administrator of the estate of Professor Kelton you remember him Madison College I filed a petition to be let into the case. It's been sleeping along for a couple of years stockholders too poor to put up a fight.

The real difficulty, as Madison said in the debate on that question, and as he repeated again and again after that question was settled, was not between the larger and smaller States, but between the North and the South; between those States that held slaves and those that had none.

If there's any sign of anything like that, you and I, Helena, will be taking moonlight rides in the gondolas of Venice long before it breaks." Helena choked and began to laugh deliciously. Doc Madison stared at her for a moment whimsically then he, too, burst into a laugh. "Oh, Lord!" he gurgled. "It's rich, isn't it?"