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"And were you sure aye to say your Grace to him?" said the good old lady; "for ane should make a distinction between MacCallummore and the bits o' southern bodies that they ca' lords here there are as mony o' them, Jeanie, as would gar ane think they maun cost but little fash in the making some of them I wadna trust wi' six pennies-worth of black-rappee some of them I wadna gie mysell the trouble to put up a hapnyworth in brown paper for But I hope you showed your breeding to the Duke of Argyle, for what sort of folk would he think your friends in London, if you had been lording him, and him a Duke?"

You have so much spunk, that d n me, but I think there's some chance of your carrying the day. But you must not go to the king till you have made some friend; try the duke try MacCallummore; he's Scotland's friend I ken that the great folks dinna muckle like him but they fear him, and that will serve your purpose as weel. D'ye ken naebody wad gie ye a letter to him?"

It is a far cry to Lochawe, as you know; how shall we find the passes, and where shall we find food as we go?" Then up spoke Angus MacCailen Duibh, a warrior from dark Glencoe. "I know," he said, "every farm in the land of MacCallummore; and, if tight houses, fat cattle, and clean water will suffice, you need never want." And so it was resolved, and done.

In short, as Duncan boasted, the entertainment did not cost MacCallummore a plack out of his sporran, and was nevertheless not only liberal, but overflowing. The Duke's health was solemnised in a bona fide bumper, and David Deans himself added perhaps the first huzza that his lungs had ever uttered, to swell the shout with which the pledge was received.

And now gie me the paper for MacCallummore, and bid God speed me on my way."

"And were you sure aye to say your Grace to him?" said the good old lady; "for ane should make a distinction between MacCallummore and the bits o' southern bodies that they ca' lords here there are as mony o' them, Jeanie, as would gar ane think they maun cost but little fash in the making some of them I wadna trust wi' six pennies-worth of black-rappee some of them I wadna gie mysell the trouble to put up a hapnyworth in brown paper for But I hope you showed your breeding to the Duke of Argyle, for what sort of folk would he think your friends in London, if you had been lording him, and him a Duke?"

Ane wad hae needed the gift of tongues to ken preceesely what they said but I pelieve the best end of it was, 'Long live MacCallummore and Knockdunder! And as to its being an unanimous call, I wad be glad to ken fat business the carles have to call ony thing or ony body but what the Duke and mysell likes!" "Nevertheless," said Mr.

You have so much spunk, that d n me, but I think there's some chance of your carrying the day. But you must not go to the king till you have made some friend; try the duke try MacCallummore; he's Scotland's friend I ken that the great folks dinna muckle like him but they fear him, and that will serve your purpose as weel. D'ye ken naebody wad gie ye a letter to him?"

"A country-girl, and from Scotland!" said the Duke; "what can have brought the silly fool to London? Some lover pressed and sent to sea, or some stock sank in the South-Sea funds, or some such hopeful concern, I suppose, and then nobody to manage the matter but MacCallummore, Well, this same popularity has its inconveniences.

It was twenty-eight years since her Majesty had been in the house of MacCallummore, and then her son-in-law of to- day had been a little fellow of two years, in black velvet and fair curls. Towards the end of the year the Prince of Wales left for his lengthened progress through her Majesty's dominions in India, which was accomplished with much eclat and success.