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I am very sorry, I assure you, Mr. M'Loughlin, for that untoward transaction to be sure, I wish your daughter had been a little more prudent, but young ladies cannot, or at least, do not always regulate their passions or attachments; and so, when they make a false step, they must suffer for it.

"Gentlemen," said he, falling back upon his humanity, "the duties of an Agent are often painful, but still they must be discharged. Lord Cumber, I must confess, has not been well advised, to force me to these proceedings. Mr. M'Loughlin, I acknowledge I lost temper a while ago but the fact really is, that I proceed in this matter with great reluctance, notwithstanding what I said.

Each has offered a thousand a piece to have the leases renewed at the present rent; you give five hundred, very good suppose you lose three that is, suppose M'Loughlin is driven, as, please God, he shall be, to allow you to accept a bill for three hundred don't you see that you are still two hundred in pocket; no, I am wrong, not two but seven hundred.

Not much stock was taken in this phenomenon until 1908, when Maurice Evans M'Loughlin burst upon the tennis world with a flash of brilliancy that earned him his popular nickname, "The California Comet." M'Loughlin was the turning-point in American tennis. He made a lasting impression on the game that can never be erased.

The other, to do him justice, did certainly raise his head, and fix his evil eye upon him for a moment it dropped after a single glance; in truth, he quailed before M'Loughlin; his upper lip, as usual, quivered his brow lowered, and looked black as midnight, whilst all the rest of his face became the color of ashes.

M'Loughlin, they said, had given extensive employment, and circulated large sums of money annually in the neighborhood, and they did not see why an Absentee landlord, or his Agent, should wish to throw so many hands out of employment, and to ruin so many families.

"Don't dare to Brian me, sir," returned M'Loughlin; "I'm a very humble man, and ought to be an humble man, for I know well what a sinner I am before God but for all that, and if it were against even religion itself I feel too proud to suffer you to speak to me as you do no don't Brian me, but listen and let me show you what you are, and what you have been; I can't say what you will be, that does not lie with any but God."

The Australian team of Brookes, Patterson, R. V. Thomas, and Randolph Lycett journeyed home to the Antipodes by way of America to compete in the American Championship. Meanwhile R. N. Williams, W. M. Johnston, and Maurice E. M'Loughlin were demobilized, and were again on the courts. The American Championships assumed an importance equal to that of the Wimbledon event.

At length she reached the residence of Brian M'Loughlin, just after night had set it she entered not, but glided about the house, waited, watched, listened, and peeped into the house, very like a thief that was setting the premises.