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And, a few minutes later, they met at the indicated spot. "Let's go where nobody can see us," said the engineer. "I'll go anywhere you like," answered Berlanga. "Lead the way!" They crossed the river and came to the little fields out at Fuente de la Teja. The shadows were thicker there, under the trees. At a likely-looking spot the two men stopped. Zureda peered all about him.

"Have you ever fished for trout?" he asked, as he began to dig under a rotting log. "Yes. In California," she replied, with sudden shadowing of her eyes. "Let's go down the brook," said Neale, hastily, fearful that he had been tactless. "There are some fine holes below." She walked beside him, careful of the sharp stones that showed here and there. Presently they came to a likely-looking pool.

On making out the mouth of this creek it was our first intention to have explored it; but on rounding the point and fairly entering the river, we made out so many snug, likely-looking openings on the southern side that we determined to confine our attention to that side first.

When a likely-looking breaker came along, they flopped upon their stomachs on their boards, kicked like mad with their feet, and rode the breaker in to the beach. I tried to emulate them. I watched them, tried to do everything that they did, and failed utterly. The breaker swept past, and I was not on it. I tried again and again. I kicked twice as madly as they did, and failed.

He had been told, moreover, that Polpier as a recruiting-ground was virgin soil. His sappers were instructed, therefore, to make every one welcome, and especially any likely-looking young men who asked questions or otherwise showed an interest.

When we came to a likely-looking spot, the Banturs began operations by fixing up the nets on the stakes and between trees, till a line of strong net extended across the forest for several hundred yards. We then went ahead, leaving the nets behind us, and each took up his station about 200 yards in front. The men with the nets then hid themselves behind trees, and crouched in the underwood.

At the Great Slave, Hudson Bay dogs were purchased, and the fleet sank to the guards with its added burden of dried fish and pemican. Then canoe and bateau answered to the swift current of the Mackenzie, and they plunged into the Great Barren Ground. Every likely-looking 'feeder' was prospected, but the elusive 'pay-dirt' danced ever to the north.

At the end of six days every cent of Jurgis' money was gone; and then he went out on the streets to beg for his life. He would begin as soon as the business of the city was moving. He would sally forth from a saloon, and, after making sure there was no policeman in sight, would approach every likely-looking person who passed him, telling his woeful story and pleading for a nickel or a dime.

The fat man grumbled something, and continued to walk. "Come, come, neighbor," said Rudolph; "are you losing your senses?" "It is your fault if I am." "My fault?" "Yes; because you say such silly things to me." "What, because I tell you that you may fall ill?" "I ill?" "Why not?" "Am I a likely-looking person to be sick then?" "Never have I beheld a face more rosy and fresh!"

If you'd clumb Tiger with that outfit you could just naturally have begun pickin' out the likely-looking she-angels." I dropped the stirrup and went over to examine the damage. Both of the quarter straps on the off side had given way. I found that they had been cut nearly through with a sharp knife. My eye strayed to Ramon's chestnut horse standing under the shed.