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"Thanks, comrade," Oswald said, as he slung his long two-handed sword from his shoulder. "A likely-looking young fellow, indeed," Baird said to Rotherglen, whom he had sent for to be present; "over six feet and, I should fancy, has not attained his full width. "So you would fain take service with me?" he said.

"As well say it as think it." "That is true. Well, we shall be very busy all day to-morrow, but in the afternoon dig for gold an hour or two then you will be satisfied." "But it is no use digging here; it was full five-and-twenty miles from here the likely-looking place." "Then why didn't you stop me at the place?"

"Well," said the judge, "you ask me a question which you should not expect me, situated as I am, to answer. But," he continued with a chuckle, "I will say it may, but if it succeeds here this will be the first place it has ever done so." "Yes, it may," said Ginsling, "and elephants may fly, but they are not likely-looking birds.

"This is a likely-looking Plant," said Brad, as he sized up the Campus. "I like to encourage these Joints because they help to keep a lot of Young Fellows away from Business Offices. I find that I have here in my Vest-Pocket a measly $50,000 that I have overlooked in changing my Clothes. Give it to the Main Cheese and tell him to have a Laboratory on me."

When the sick come to Brother Luke for treatment, if any of the few drugs which he has accumulated chance to have lost their labels a not uncommon contingency in this land of mist and fog he takes down a likely-looking bottle from the shelf, and tries a dose of the contents on this Mrs. Goochy and awaits results. If nothing untoward transpires, he then passes the medicine on to the patient. Mrs.

"Like as not they've dropped anchor here to see if there are any likely-looking lads waiting to be picked up after dark. Why, there's a good dozen that would be worth anything to a skipper, and I could put the press-gang on to their trail as easy as could be; but they're neighbours, and I can't do them such a dirty turn.