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'Yes? Miss Levering's eye flew to the cheque-book. 'If only we could get women of influence to understand what's at stake, said Miss Claxton, a little wistfully. 'They don't? 'Oh, some. A few. As much as can be expected. 'Why do you say that? Miss Levering opened wide eyes a glint of something like amazed laughter crossed her face, as she repeated 'They are sexless, you think?

'I was only thinking about the lion's mane and the male bird's crest, and what the natural history bores say they're for. The darkness and the quiet of Vida Levering's bedroom were rudely dispelled at a punctual eight each morning by the entrance of a gaunt middle-aged female.

"My God!" he said, "you don't mean they're going to give it to them!" 'Sh! Here is Ronald. Mrs. Freddy's tact brought her smiling to her feet as the figure of her brother-in-law appeared in the doorway. But she turned her back on him and affected absorption in the tableau presented by Jean leaning forward, elbow on knee, chin in hand, gazing steadily in Vida Levering's face.

Fourteen years before, when Vida Levering was only eighteen, she had tried to make something like a conventional maid out of the faithful Northumbrian. Rachel Wark had entered Lady Levering's service just before Vida's birth, and had helped to nurse her mistress through a mortal illness ten years later.

Vida Levering's air of almost strained attention was an unconscious public confession: 'I haven't understood these strange women; I haven't understood the spirit of the mob that hoots the man we know vaguely for their champion; I haven't understood the allusions nor the argot that they talk; I can't check the history that peasant has appealed to.

'At any rate I shall go away relieved to think that Miss Levering's plain speaking hasn't alienated all masculine regard. 'Why should it? he said. 'That's right. Lady John metaphorically patted him on the back. 'Don't believe all she says in the heat of propaganda. 'I do believe all she says. But I'm not cast down. 'Not when she says

Fleet of foot, she gained it, thrust an arm between the huddled women, and, taking the foolhardy girl by the sleeve, said, sotto voce 'Come! Come with me! Ernestine raised her eyes, fixed them for one calm instant on Vida Levering's face, and then, turning round, said 'Where's Mrs. Brown? 'Never mind Mrs.

As Filey was quite the idlest of men, without the preoccupation of being a tolerable sportsman or even a player of games, Miss Levering's little laugh was echoed by others beside Lady Sophia. 'At all events, said Vida to Lord Borrodaile, as she stood up, and he drew her chair out of her way, 'even if we don't know much about these women, we've spent a happy hour denouncing them.

Over a big leather portfolio that she held clasped in her arms, Ernestine, too, looked down at the torn frock. 'That foolish trimming it's always getting stepped on. Miss Levering's search had produced a pin. 'No; I'll just pull it off. Ernestine did so, and proceeded to drop a yard of it out of the window. Miss Levering began to laugh. 'Which way are we going? says Miss Blunt, looking out.

He interrupted Lord John's inquiry as to the seriousness of Miss Levering's unpopular and mysterious programme for the afternoon. But the lady quietly confirmed it, and looked over her hostess's shoulder at the plan-sheet that Lady John was silently holding out between two extended hands.