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Kreis paused long enough in the midst of his exposition to tell him that in most of his "Shame of the Sun" he had been a chump. "But I didn't come here to spout philosophy," Kreis went on. "What I want to know is whether or not you will put a thousand dollars in on this deal?" "No, I'm not chump enough for that, at any rate," Martin answered. "But I'll tell you what I will do.

These ramifications themselves are conceived as constituting complete wholes, such as logic, nature, mind, society, history, art, religion, philosophy, so that the universe in its onward march through these is represented as a Whole of Wholes ein Kreis von Kreisen. In Hegel's complete philosophy each of these special spheres finds its proper place and elaborate treatment.

Be positive scientists, if you please; but ontology has no place in positive science, so leave it alone. Spencer is right in his agnosticism, but if Spencer " But it was time to catch the last ferry-boat for Oakland, and Brissenden and Martin slipped out, leaving Norton still talking and Kreis and Hamilton waiting to pounce on him like a pair of hounds as soon as he finished.

Kreis began directly on Martin, but step by step Norton interfered, until he and Kreis were off and away in a personal battle. Martin listened and fain would have rubbed his eyes. It was impossible that this should be, much less in the labor ghetto south of Market. The books were alive in these men.

It was the usual two-story corner building, with a saloon and grocery underneath. "The gang lives here got the whole upstairs to themselves. But Kreis is the only one who has two rooms. Come on." No lights burned in the upper hall, but Brissenden threaded the utter blackness like a familiar ghost. He stopped to speak to Martin. "There's one fellow Stevens a theosophist.

Appearances, or phenomena, are all the content your minds can receive from your five senses. Then noumena, which are not in your minds when you are born, have no way of getting in " "I deny " Kreis started to interrupt. "You wait till I'm done," Norton shouted. "You can know only that much of the play and interplay of force and matter as impinges in one way or another on our senses.

I've seen him sit all day on a bench and never a bite pass his lips, and in the evening, when I invited him to dinner restaurant two blocks away have him say, 'Too much trouble, old man. Buy me a package of cigarettes instead. He was a Spencerian like you till Kreis turned him to materialistic monism. I'll start him on monism if I can. Norton's another monist only he affirms naught but spirit.

Kreis betrayed no surprise. He folded the check away in his pocket. "At that rate I'd like the contract of providing you with many such nights," he said. "Too late." Martin shook his head. "That night was the one night for me. I was in paradise. It's commonplace with you, I know. But it wasn't to me. I shall never live at such a pitch again. I'm done with philosophy.

Before that date provincial diets had existed for fifty years, and a kind of assembly had also managed certain affairs for the Kreis, an administrative unit smaller than an English county, and averaging about one hundred thousand inhabitants.

In addition there is the Kreis, or Circle, of which there are some 490, with populations varying from 20,000 to 801,000.