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"I'm a little girl," replied Dot, proudly. The Koala saw that Dot was proud, but as it didn't see any reason why she should be, it was not a bit afraid of her. "I never heard of one or saw one before," it said, simply. "Do you burrow, or live in a tree?" "I live at home," said Dot; but, wishing to be quite correct, she added, "that is, when I am there."

The wild folk of the Australian bush are, upon the whole, less dependent upon water than the animals of most countries, and such people as Koala, the native bear, seem to get along quite happily without ever drinking anything at all.

Having identified the animal, which they did not disturb, Gideon Spilett erased "bear" from the title of his sketch, putting koala in its place, and the journey was resumed. At five o'clock in the evening, Cyrus Harding gave the signal to halt. They were now outside the forest, at the beginning of the powerful spurs which supported Mount Franklin towards the west.

I wonder if they made that fearful sound I heard just before you came?" "I expect what you heard was from me," said the Koala; "I had just awakened, and when I saw the moon was up I felt pleased." "Was all that sound and many noises yours?" asked Dot with astonishment, as she regarded the shaggy little animal on the tree trunk. The Koala smiled modestly.

They include carnivorous, herbivorous, and insectivorous families, and their head-quarters appear to be Australia. Here amid the kangaroos of Australia are the long-nosed, rock, and jerboa kangaroos, the New Guinea tree-kangaroo, and below, the Australian koala. These close the attractions of the wall-cases, and the visitor should now glance round the saloon at the specimens of the varieties of

Only Blacks have no fur, but what they steal from the proper owners. Do you steal fur?" it asked in an anxious voice. "How do they steal fur?" asked Dot. The Koala looked very miserable, and spoke with horror. "They kill us with spears, and tear off our skins and wear them because their own skins are no good."

"Yes, I am, a little, since my Kangaroo left me," Dot said. "Now you make my head feel empty again," said the Koala, plaintively. "What has a Kangaroo got to do with your feeling cold? What have you done with your fur?" "I never had any," said Dot, "only these curls," and she touched her little head. "Then you ought to be black," argued the Koala. "You're not the right colour.

It is about the size of a very large and fat cat, is covered with a very thick, soft fur, and its face is shaped rather like that of an owl, with big saucer-eyes. The koala is the quaintest little creature imaginable. It is quite harmless, and only asks to be let alone and allowed to browse on gum-leaves. Its flesh is uneatable except by an aboriginal or a victim to famine.

With these he lived a pleasant slothful life, while four years went on, forgetting all the outside world, till his horse was dead, his gun rusted and thrown aside, and his European clothes long since replaced by the skin of the opossum and the koala.

"You make my head feel empty," complained the Koala. "I'm sure you're all wrong; for an animal's skin and fur is his own, and it's his life's business to keep it whole. Everyone in the bush is trying to keep his skin whole, all day long, and all night too. Good gracious! what is the matter up there?"