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They include carnivorous, herbivorous, and insectivorous families, and their head-quarters appear to be Australia. Here amid the kangaroos of Australia are the long-nosed, rock, and jerboa kangaroos, the New Guinea tree-kangaroo, and below, the Australian koala. These close the attractions of the wall-cases, and the visitor should now glance round the saloon at the specimens of the varieties of

A more probable supposition seems to lie, that the tree-kangaroo has been modified to enable it to feed on foliage in the vast forests of New Guinea, as these form the great natural feature which distinguishes that country from Australia. On June 5th, the coal-ship arrived, having been sent back from Amboyna, with the addition of some fresh stores for the steamer.

I looked with intense interest on those rugged mountains, retreating ridge behind ridge into the interior, where the foot of civilized man had never trod. There was the country of the cassowary and the tree-kangaroo, and those dark forests produced the most extraordinary and the most beautiful of the feathered inhabitants of the earth the varied species of Birds of Paradise.

One of these is a true kangaroo, very similar to some of middle-sized kangaroos of Australia, and it is remarkable as being the first animal of the kind ever seen by Europeans. A much more extraordinary creature is the tree-kangaroo, two species of which are known from New Guinea.