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Updated: August 13, 2024

And which no persons of knowledg and education do, and perhaps most other persons give them in way of Jeering.

For that, Alcander, you know more than I. Fal. Why sure Aminta will instruct her better, She's as inconstant as the Seas and Winds, Which ne'er are calm but to betray Adventurers. Alcan. How came you by that knowledg, Sir? Fal. Pis. Prithee, Alcander, now we talk of her, How go the Amours 'twixt you and my wild Sister?

As to their incapacity for Practice, 'tis manifest by their education, and ignorance of all those things which are required in an able Physician, viz. the knowledg of Arts and Languages; by the former whereof men learn the way and rules of observing, and improvements to be made thereon; by the latter, what the learned searchers of Nature have in all Ages taken notice of, necessary, and little enough in an Art so difficult as that of Physic.

Neither can History it self to my knowledg produce any example, that ever any such foolish Villany was acted; Though doubtless many lives might have been saved if the Apothecaries would have complyed with the College, in their proposed Orders for selling Rats-bane.

For to endeavour to overcome all the difficulties and errours which hinder us to come to the knowledg of the Truth, is truly to fight battails. And to receive any false opinion touching a generall or weighty matter, is as much as to lose one; there is far more dexterity required to recover our former condition, then to make great progresses where our Principles are already certain.

And as for the reasonableness of it, that the Physician ought to support himself by all lawful ways and means, and to have præeminence above those ignorant persons that incroach upon his profession, 'tis confessed by all that have considered the great charge, study, and labour, before he can arrive at any benefit from it; for he must take the chargeable degrees of Batchellor, and Master of Arts, Batchellor of Physic, and after 14 years standing, the degree of Doctor; besides his bare expences for his maintenance in the University, Charges in Anatomies, knowledg of natural things; Travels abroad, Chymistry, and Experiments; his Library, Habit, his more free way of living in a suitable house, and Attendants, greater Taxes, &c. insomuch that a Doctor of Physic spends more before he comes to practise, then will set up perhaps a dozen Apothecaries in a way of livelihood; and besides, great sums of money before he can put himself in a fitting Equipage: whereas on the contrary, many young men before their time of Apprenticeship is out, provide well for themselves by Quacking; and certainly the Study of Physic, and consequently the knowledge of Nature, must bid farewel to the Universities, if Shops be permitted to make practisers, for such the people will soon create Doctors, which title the Apothecary takes upon him, though he understand not the reason of the name, to the great shame of the Universities, and Faculty, when ignorant people shall give, and they challenge the same title for nothing, attained by the Physician at a great rate and long study, the vulgar taking Practiser and Doctor to signifie the same thing.

Provided alway that if the said John Yaxley have knowledg and warning only to cum to Nottin. and Derby, then the said John Yaxley is agread by these presents to take only xv li besides the 5 li aforesaid. Provided alwaies that if the said John Yaxley have knowledg and warning to take no labour in this matter, then he to reteine and hold the said 5 li resaived for his good will and labour.

The three are "the Alcayde Don Diego de Molino, Ensign Marco Antonio Perez, and Francisco Lembri an English pilot, who by my orders went to reconnoitre those ports." Small wonder that Dale was apprehensive. "What may be the daunger of this unto us," he wrote home, "who are here so few, so weake, and unfortified,... I refer me to your owne honorable knowledg."

Dauenport affirmed ypon oath, that the testimonies before written, as they properly belong to each, is the truth, according to their best knowledg & memory. "Mr. Dauenport desired that in takeing his oath to be thus vnderstood, that as he takes his oath to giue satisfaction to the court and Mr.

Neither would I begin quite to reject, some opinions, which formerly had crept into my belief, without the consent of my reason, before I had employed time enough to form the project of the work I undertook, and to seek the true Method to bring me to the knowledg of all those things, of which my understanding was capable.

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