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When the Kadi said that the matter was to be referred to the Khaliff or his representative, the Vekeel cried out: "I I am Omar's vicar!" but a disapproving murmur from the judges, as with one voice, rejected his pretensions, and at a proposal of the Kadi it was resolved that the young man should be protected against any arbitrary attack on the part of the Vekeel by a double guard; for many grave accusations against Obada were already on their way to Medina.

But when she exclaimed that her prophecy had been fulfilled, and that Paula, was now his, his brow was knit as he replied, with gloomy regret, that though he had won the woman he loved, it was only to lose her again. "But the Kadi is your friend and will gain pardon from the Khaliff!" cried the child. "But then another enemy suddenly starts up: Horapollo!"

I am going to Medina because the Khaliff, in this letter, complains that I send too small a revenue into the treasury from so rich a land as Egypt. And yet not a single dinar of your taxes finds its way into my own coffers.

According to Abulpharagius, one Abu Said revolted against the Khaliff Al Mohated, in the year of the hegira, 285, A.D. 893, and laid waste Bassora. This date agrees with the story of Ebn Wahab in the text. Harris. From this circumstance, it appears probable that the great canal of China was not then constructed. Some circumstances in this very interesting detail have been a little curtailed.

I sent for you to impose conditions on you, not to have them dictated to me. I grant you an audience as the ruler of this country, as the Vicar of Omar, your Khaliff and mine." "Then I entreat you to dismiss me, for in the presence of that man my heart and lips are sealed; I feel that he is my enemy." "Beware of his becoming so!" cried the governor, while Obada shrugged his shoulders scornfully.

But neither you nor any other true believer will succeed to the dead man's office, but an Egyptian and a Christian. Prudence requires it, and the Khaliff commands it." "And does he also command that this curled ape shall be left in possession of his millions?" "So that is what you covet, you greedy curmudgeon that is it?

If indeed manly revenge for this slight on your father's memory is dear to your heart you can easily procure it but only on one condition." "Show it me!" cried Orion with flaming eyes. "Become one of us." "That is what I came here for. My brain and my arm from this day forth are at the service of the rulers of my country: yourself and our common master the Khaliff."

When the Kadi said that the matter was to be referred to the Khaliff or his representative, the Vekeel cried out: "I I am Omar's vicar!" but a disapproving murmur from the judges, as with one voice, rejected his pretensions, and at a proposal of the Kadi it was resolved that the young man should be protected against any arbitrary attack on the part of the Vekeel by a double guard; for many grave accusations against Obada were already on their way to Medina.

But the young man did not take it; he drew back a little and said rather uneasily: "Do not misunderstand me, great Captain. Here is my hand, and I can know no greater honor than that of grasping yours, of wielding my sword under your command, of wearing it out in your service and in that of my lord the Khaliff; but I cannot be untrue to my faith."

He, as judge, was no less averse to letting off the guilty than he was to punishing the innocent; so the enquiry must be allowed to proceed quietly. If Obada wished to examine Paula he, the Kadi, had no objection; to preside over the court and to direct the trial was his business, and that he would not abdicate even for the Khaliff himself so long as Omar thought him worthy to hold his office.