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Updated: August 6, 2024

I shall abide by your opinion, I understan' you to say distinc'ly, her complaint is not ketchin'? and urge upon Miss Darley to fulfil her dooties to a sufferin' fellow-creature at any cost to myself and my establishment.

And Old Peep, he says to him, 'Please don't come botherin' me now, sonny I'm busy ketchin' up, he says; and keeps right on a-munchin' and a-chewin' like all possessed. "That ain't all of it, neither, Judge not by a long shot it ain't! Purty soon Old Peep looks round him at the little crowd that's gathered.

You'd be surprised to know how many great generals we have running two by four farms and choppin' wood for a livin' up here. And there are fellers settin' right in there now that never saw a body of water bigger'n Plum Pond, an' every blamed one of 'em knows more'n the whole British navy about ketchin' submarines.

"Why, honey, Waldstricker air got as much chance a ketchin' you as a tallow dog has chasin' an asbestos cat through hell." "Deforrest is so interested in the little Skinner girl," Helen Young explained to Ebenezer Waldstricker when they were alone after supper. "Ever since he helped to get her father out of Auburn, he's done all he could for her."

"Still, we oughtn't to take the risk unless everybody is willin'. What do you say, Ned?" "I reply 'yes, of course," said the boy, "especially as I've an idea that those are not Mexicans. They look too big and tall, and they sit too straight up in their saddles for Mexicans." "Them ideas of yours are ketchin'," said the Panther.

Over and over agin wuz the wearisome and soul tuckerin' job carried out, varied every time by Ury ketchin' Philury and fleein' with her, but the distance shortened every time, till at last he fled with her no furder than the top of the kitchen stairs.

I was just ketchin' a ride with this feller. Don't go an' mix ME in I ain't no ways concerned; just ketchin' a ride is all. If I'd 'a' knowed " "You can explain that to the judge. Get in there, you, and drive in to San Berdoo. I'll be right with you, so you needn't forget the road!" He stepped back to his motorcycle and pushed it forward. "Hey!

For the love of Hivin, it's only a poll-parrot sittin' there ferninst us, barrin' the appetite of him. Saints aloive! but Oi 'd love to paste the crature av it was n't a mortal sin to bate a dumb baste. An' he 's a Lutheran! God be marciful an' keep me from iver ketchin' that same dis'ase, av it wud lave me loike this wan. What's that? What was it the haythen said then, seeñorita?"

Petty, and dealing the journals a smart slap, she handed them to Joe. "Faith!" repeated Mr. Lavender, and fell into a doze. "About this new disease," said Joe. "D'you think it's ketchin'? I feel rather funny meself." "Stuff!" returned his wife. "Clear away those papers and that bone, and go and take Blink out, and sit on a seat; it's all you're fit for.

"Would you compare Coney Island with the beautiful Isle of Happiness that the poets sing on?" I sez, severe like. "Where is it?" sez he. "Why," sez I, "It ain't ennywheres. Its a metafor of the brain." "Is it ketchin'?" sez he. "Seems to me I've hearn tell of that disease before!"

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