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Says I, "The weather is very ketchin', and it looks to me as if we wus goin' to have quite a spell of it." And the boy overheard me, and asked me 75 questions about ketchin' the weather. "If the weather set a trap? If it ketched with bait, or with a hook, and what it ketched? and how? and who?" Oh my stars! what a time I did have! The next mornin' after this Cicely wuzn't well enough to get up.

He nuver hu't me, but in co'se I wuz a-hollerin' ez hard ez I could stave it, 'cause I knowed dat wuz gwine mek him stop. Marse Chan he hed'n open he mouf long ez ole marster wuz tunin' 'im; but soon ez he commence warmin' me an' I begin to holler, Marse Chan he bu'st out cryin', an' stept right in befo' ole marster an' ketchin' de whup, sed: "'Stop, seh!

That is the way people of his constitution are apt to take a bit of pleasantry. "I don't mean sech things, Doctor; I mean fevers. Is there any ketchin' fevers bilious, or nervous, or typus, or whatever you call 'em now goin' round this village? That's what I want to ascertain, if there's no impropriety." The old Doctor looked at Silas through his spectacles.

That is the way people of his constitution are apt to take a bit of pleasantry. "I don't mean sech things, Doctor; I mean fevers. Is there any ketchin' fevers bilious, or nervous, or typus, or whatever you call 'em now goin' round this village? That's what I want to ascertain, if there's no impropriety." The old Doctor looked at Silas through his spectacles.

"Did you ketch anything for dinner when you was out this mornin'?" asked his wife. "No, I fished an' fished, till I was about ready to drop, an' I did git a few shiners, but land, they wa'n't as big as the worms I was ketchin' 'em with, so i pitched 'em back in the water an' quit." During the progress of these remarks Mr.

Judge, you oughter stepped down into Franklin Street and taken a look at the picture whilst there was still time. You never seen sech a funny sight in all your days, I'll bet!" "I reckin 'twould be too late to be startin' now," said Judge Priest. "I'm right sorry I missed it. . . . Busy ketchin' up, huh? Yes; I reckin he is. . . . Tell me, son, whut did you make out of the way Peep O'Day acted?"

I've told you that and I'll swear to it if necessary." "'Look here, Doc, I says, 'if you don't tell that you saw these men we'll tell it for you." "That's when she laughed, cackled would be a better word, it sure wasn't a laugh, you'd call ketchin', and says "'You fly at it. Try startin' something like that and see what happens to you.

"But, Uncle Remus," said the little boy, dolefully, "that was cheating." "Co'se, honey. De creeturs 'gun ter cheat, en den fokes tuck it up, en hit keep on spreadin'. Hit mighty ketchin', en you mine yo' eye, honey, dat somebody don't cheat you 'fo' yo' ha'r git gray ez de ole nigger's."

And, Moses," she continnered, layin her hed confidinly agin his weskit, "dost know I sumtimes think thou istest of noble birth?" "No!" said he, wildly ketchin hold of hisself. "You don't say so!" "Indeed do I! Your dead grandfather's sperrit comest to me the tother night." "Oh no, I guess it's a mistake," said Moses. "I'll bet two dollars and a quarter he did!" replied Elizy.

Barron," said she, with the air of one who would take defeat gracefully, "supposin' ye're right an' ye'd oughter know how would ye go about ketchin' them weasels?" Pleased at this sudden return to sweet reasonableness, the woodsman once more grew interested. "I reckon we kin fix that!" said he, confidently and cordially. "I'll give ye three of my little mink traps.