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Updated: August 6, 2024

As I drew near I could see that my messenger had roused the settlement, for natives with spears and kerries in their hands were running up towards the kraals. When I reached the hut I met old Indaba-zimbi, who wore a very serious face. "So the evil has fallen, Macumazahn," he said. "It has fallen," I answered. "Keep a good heart, Macumazahn," he said again.

The little Kerries are greatly prized as "milkers," and they yield good beef, but very little of it not more than four hundredweight per beast. By the side of the superb shorthorns of the Ardfert herd they look like goats; but such cattle as Mr. Crosbie's cream-coloured bull are only suited to richer pasture than the rocks of Lamb Head.

Then Umslopogaas howled aloud, and howled Galazi, and they flung themselves upon the soldiers and the people of the kraal, and with them came the wolves. Then a crying and a baying rose up to heaven as the grey wolves leaped and bit and tore. Little they heeded the spears and kerries of the soldiers. Some were killed, but the rest did not stay.

The "White Shields" were ranged along the fence of the great open place to our left, and the "Black Shields" were similarly placed to our right, each regiment numbering about fifteen hundred men. Except for their kerries and dancing-sticks they were unarmed.

I don' want him to get a spite ag'inst me, 'f I c'n help it; he looks to me like one o' them kind that kerries what they call slung-shot, 'n' hits ye on the side o' th' head with 'em so suddin y' never know what hurts ye." "Why," said the Doctor, sharply, "have you ever seen him with any such weapon about him?" "W'll, no, I caan't say that I hev," Abel answered. "On'y he looks kin' o' dangerous.

I went to visit Lady Ardaragh the other day, and she gave me tea in her dairy. It is coming into fashion to be housekeepers and dairymaids once more." "Would you like to go to the Creamery, Bawn?" asked my grandmother. "I should love to," said I. "And to have a herd of little Kerries like Lady Ardaragh. The dairy is as pretty as ever, but it wants washing, and the fountain is broken.

"It is the king Twala, Scragga his son, and Gagool the old; and see, with them are those who slay," said Infadoos, pointing to a little group of about a dozen gigantic and savage-looking men, armed with spears in one hand and heavy kerries in the other. The king seated himself upon the centre stool, Gagool crouched at his feet, and the others stood behind him.

Also we of the Amapakati, the council, were there, and ranged round the fence of the space, armed with short sticks only not with kerries, my father was that regiment of young men which Dingaan had not sent away, the captain of the regiment being stationed near to the king, on the right.

"The stretch of rock yonder," replied Captain Jeb, nodding to the northeast. "And isn't that an awful name to give to a Christian shore?" asked Brother Bart. "No worse than them ar suck-holes of waves deserves," was the grim answer. "When the high tide sweeps in thar, it kerries everything with it, and them caves guzzle it all down, nobody knows whar." "Ah, God save us!" said Brother Bart.

They seated themselves; then round them on the outside of the circle gathered knots of warriors, chosen men, great and fierce, armed with kerries only. These were the slayers. When all was ready, the king came out, followed by his indunas and by me.

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