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My belief is that he wakes up in the night, you know, with some rhyme in his head, and jots it down there on the wall lest he should forget it by the morning. Some of these very lines you see here I have seen afterwards in print in the magazines. Some are newer; indeed, I have not seen that one before. It must have been done only a few days ago. 'O yes! . . .

"A long line of obscure ancestors," he says, "has economised for me a store of intellectual energy," and he jots down in his note book certain suggestions, a little immature but still emitting a ray of light. Perhaps if things went otherwise, man would now be an extinct animal. The elevation of type is dangerous for the preservation of the species. Why?

It looks clever; as a matter of fact, it is extremely easy. Be virtuous and you will be happy. She jots down all the possible variations: Be virtuous and you will be unhappy. "Too simple that one," she tells herself. Be virtuous and your friends will be happy if you are not. "Better, but not wicked enough. Let us think again. Be happy and people will jump to the conclusion that you are virtuous.

"They won't all be Scotsmen, my friend," he replied, still stroking his notebook. "No?" said I, eager at heart to knock him off his perch. "Nor men," he added, leering at Margaret. "Come along, Sal," said I to her laughingly, "before the good gentleman jots you down a Jacobite." So we left him, and when, fifty paces down the road, I looked back at him, he was jotting in his notebook again.

The subaltern in charge of targets Thirteen to Sixteen, after a pained glance at the battered countenance of Number Thirteen, pauses before Fourteen, and jots down a figure on his butt-register. "Fower, fower, fower, three, three, sirr," announces Tosh politely. "Three bulls, one inner, and an ahter, sir," proclaims the Cockney sergeant simultaneously.

Alfred was in truth an artist, and both the lights and shadows of his life were those of the artistic temperament. His love of books, his love of strangers, his questionings of travellers and scholars, betray an imaginative restlessness that longs to break out of the narrow world of experience which hemmed him in. At one time he jots down news of a voyage to the unknown seas of the north.

As the 'Chronicle' jots patiently down the hopes and fears, the failures and successes of the wiser citizens in that struggle for order and good government which brought Dante to his long exile, we feel ourselves standing in the very midst of events out of which grew the threefold Poem of the After-World and face to face with the men who front us in the 'Inferno' and 'Paradise. But this is not the world Dino stands in.

He jots down any striking thought or saying he comes across in the course of his reading; he makes practical experiments to test his theories; above all, his insatiable curiosity to find out the "why" and "how" of things makes him speculate on their causes, and discuss with his friends the right and wrong of existing institutions.

Sometimes he jots down the mere gossip of his last dinner-party; sometimes he notices the speculations of the last new theorist in philosophy, or discusses with a literary friend some philological question the latter being a study in which he was very fond of dabbling, though with little success, for the science of language was as yet unknown.

A motley crew, however, frequently avail themselves of the masquerade privilege to steal in uninvited. Cecilia illustrates these fantastic ramifications of the young idea for the benefit of friends in the interior. She jots down some of these questions and their answers in her note-book: "How does a polka differ from a schottisch?" "A schottisch is a lazy polka.