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A writer's ideas must be a good deal confused, a good deal out of line and sequence, when he starts out to say that a man met a counselor's wife in the street, and then right in the midst of this so simple undertaking halts these approaching people and makes them stand still until he jots down an inventory of the woman's dress. That is manifestly absurd.

Trevanion reads the newspapers, examines what I have done, makes notes therefrom, some for Parliament, some for conversation, some for correspondence, skims over the Parliamentary papers of the morning, and jots down directions for extracting, abridging, and comparing them with others, perhaps twenty years old.

John Rolfe, back in Virginia, though without his Indian princess, who now lies in English earth, jots down and makes no comment upon what he has written: "About the last of August came in a Dutch man of warre that sold us twenty Negars." No European state of that day, few individuals, disapproved of the African slave trade. That dark continent made a general hunting-ground.

As to Polonius' answer: 'Though this be madness, yet there's method in it, the public had no difficulty in finding out what was meant by that 'madness, and to whom it applied. What may the great master have thought of an author who, as Montaigne does, jots down everything in kaleidoscopic manner, just as changeful accident brings it into his head? In Essay III. we read:

I will read them in order; I have taken some pains to word them clearly. Richard has his scrap of paper on his knee. He jots a word or two after each deliberate interrogation, smiling. Other questioners succeeded. Richard replies to them.

A writer's ideas must be a good deal confused, a good deal out of line and sequence, when he starts out to say that a man met a counselor's wife in the street, and then right in the midst of this so simple undertaking halts these approaching people and makes them stand still until he jots down an inventory of the woman's dress. That is manifestly absurd.

His diary of this journey has recently been published. It is interesting in the extreme, though devoid of those startling episodes that generally give charm to accounts of travels in unexplored lands. He has no old theories to prove and no ambition to start new ones, but simply jots down his impressions of people and things with no attempt at elaboration.

She went to Bath; she made Lady Albemarle profoundly uncomfortable about her lord's famous mistress in Paris, and no doubt she plunged, on her return, into the plots with Prussia for a Restoration. In the Privy Council, in November 1753, her arrest was decided on. Newcastle jots down, on a paper of notes: 'To seize Madame de Mézières with her papers.

If I happen to look depressed at breakfast time, he jots it down spells of depression and melancholia, do you see? He's a dreadful man." Saunders was approaching from the lower end of the balcony. He appeared flustered. His face was red and perspiring and his manner distrait.

In his Analecta Mr. Wodrow noted down all the news that reached him, scandals about 'The Pretender, Court Gossip, Heresies of Ministers, Remarkable Providences, Woful Apparitions, and 'Strange Steps of Providence'. Ghosts, second sight, dreams, omens, premonitions, visions, did greatly delight him, but it is fair to note that he does not vouch for all his marvels, but merely jots them down, as matters of hearsay.