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But she closed his mouth with her gloved hand and repeated with the gay obstinacy of intoxication: "Pooh, it will be all the more amusing if they do jeer at us! Come, let us be off, let us be off, quick!" Thereupon Duthil, who had been listening with a smile and the air of a man of pleasure whom nothing astonishes or displeases, gallantly took her part.

When Grinder sat down some of those who had applauded him began to jeer at the Socialists. 'What have you got to say to that? they shouted. 'That's up against yer! 'They ain't got nothing to say now. 'Why don't some of you get up and make a speech?

Gorgeousness of mounting has ceased to help managers; even the maidens in their teens have grown sophisticated, and jeer at the bread-and-butter love-stories; and successful modern French drama offers a much smaller proportion of adaptable plays than used to be the case.

And, while he did not cease to mock and jeer and offer sarcastic advice to his younger friend, the touch of pathos that, like a minor chord, was so often heard in his most caustic and cruel speeches was more pronounced. As for Czar he always returned to the hotel with evident reluctance; and managed to express, in his dog way, the thoughts his distinguished master would not put in words.

I shall not jeer at any one, nor shall I frown at anybody. Restraining all my senses, I shall always be of a cheerful face. Without asking anybody about the way, proceeding along any route that I may happen to meet with, I shall go on, without taking note of the country or the point of the compass to which or towards which I may go. Regardless of whither I may proceed, I shall not look behind.

Not because he loves her there's more love in a stone! but because he can't endure the thought of any trespass on what is his because he dreads being made a jeer of he goes mad with jealousy and suspicion. He imitates the Prince of Condé by locking his wife up in a tower." "But this cannot last forever."

After he had beaten down all my defences, he began to jeer at me with fierce sneers and goblin laughter that froze my blood. 'So I was the contemptible manikin who dared to entertain the idea of equality with him the Star of the Morning one breath of whose nostrils would wither me into nonentity. So I presumed to stand up and face him, who had, in his time, scattered the hosts of heaven!

The courtiers did not dare to jeer at him this time, because the King had been kind to him, but they turned their faces aside so as not to see him.

Ken felt the vessel rising, and a few moments later a slight swaying told that she was on the surface. Up went the hatch, and the terrible clatter of the petrol engines replaced the deep purr of the dynamos. 'I'd give a finger to be on deck, said Ken to Roy, and for once Roy did not jeer. He merely nodded, for he knew how desperately anxious Ken was about his father. Ken had not long to wait.

There is a little ship anchored within a cable's length of the James, and her men are busy on shore with the fishing-stage which Lister saith is yours" "And so it is, every sliver of it." "Mayhap, then, you'll come on deck and tell these merry men as much, for they do only jeer at me."