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Updated: August 9, 2024

Barry laughed outright. It was impossible to maintain a frown or a doubt in the salesman's breezy presence. "Just what is your proposition?" he asked at length. "Sh! Clap a stopper on your jaw-tackle!" Again that air of mock mystery came into Little's face. "Say, d' you know old Cornelius Houten?" "Heard of a trader by that tally. Don't know him." "Same man," Little nodded. "Only one like him.

Land sakes! ain't Cap'n Am'zon just as much her uncle as I be? Some o' you fellers better stow your jaw-tackle if Cap'n Am'zon does heave to here. For he ain't no tame cat, like I told you." "You back again, Lawford Tapp? Hi-mighty! what you forgot this time? Fishhooks? Goin' fishin', be you? Wal, in my 'pinion you're throwin' your hook into unproductive waters around here, as ye might say.

"Well, this is a pretty go," he exclaimed. "Who commands this ship I should like to know, and then I can settle whether I'll do duty or turn in and go to sleep again?" "Belay your jaw-tackle, master," growled out one of the pirates who had advanced into the cabin. "You're mighty too free with your tongue, fine fellow as you think yourself.

He knew, however, that they were watching him, for on several occasions, when it was found necessary to change the course of the boat in order to follow the windings of the stream, they had cautioned him to clap a stopper on his jaw-tackle and pass his instructions aft in a whisper, like any other white gentleman. "Da' now! Da' now!" said Jonas suddenly.

He won't stand no nonsense, and though he doesn't wear a wig and gown, like the judges at home, he sits in a court, and tries all them who doesn't do what they ought. He hears both parties, and, when they've done, he sings out, `Haul in the slack of your jaw-tackle, and belay all that, and then he goes for to say what each party must do, and he won't hear a word more from either of them.

The captain very soon had an opportunity of fulfilling his word, for in a very short time the ship went into action, and his next in command being killed, he gave Miss Nailor the death vacancy, and then she became first-lieutenant of the gallant Thunder bomb. However, young gentlemen, I must put a stopper on my jaw-tackle just now.

"I'll tell you what, whoever you are, a man may shoot with a long bow, or a man may shoot with a short bow; but for my part I say a man has a right to use the weapon which suits him best; and so, Mr Bow-wo-wo, just bowse taut that jaw-tackle of yours, and don't let's hear any more of your pertinent remarks, I'll thank ye, my bo."

"He was an enemy of the Church, and the right hand of the foul fiend in this country," said a voice from the bottom of the canoe. It was the friar who had succeeded in getting rid of the buckskin glove and belt with which the two Americans had gagged him. He was lying huddled up now glaring savagely at the party with his fiery dark eyes. "His jaw-tackle has come adrift," said the seaman.

"Clap a stopper on your jaw-tackle, will you?" cried Ringbolt, the sailor on the other side of him. "You'll be getting us all into darbies for this." "I won't trice up my red rag for nobody," retorted Jonathan.

"Bring that chest in and take a reef in your jaw-tackle. I knew a man once't looked nigh enough like you to be your twin; and he was purt nigh a plumb idiot, too." Louise had never before heard her uncle's voice so sharp. It was plain he had not seen his niece until after Perry Baker turned and clumped out upon the porch, thus giving the girl free entrance to the store.

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