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"Ah, Miss Grayson," he said, raising his hat, and ceasing to make his stick quiver in his hand, "I did not recognise you." Then followed the customary hand-shakings and inquiries, during which Dexter hung back, and gazed up at the crocketed spire, and at the jackdaws flying in and out of the slits which lit the stone staircase within.

Caw! Then shoo'd bring t' jackdaws out o' their holes i' t' rocks, an' next minute shoo were pointin' to t' mossy roots o' t' trees hingin' ower t' beck, while a Jenny wren would hop out an' sing as though he were fit to brust hissen. An' all t' time it were gettin' leeter an' leeter, an' I could see that t' sun were shinin' on' t' cliffs aboon Malham, though Janet's Cove were still i' t' shade.

They conquer when they thus do fall, They kill when they do die: They overcome then most of all, And get the victory. The worldling understands not this, 'Tis clear out of his sight; Therefore he counts this world his bliss, And doth our glory slight. The lubber knows not how to spring The nimble footman's stage; Neither can owls or jackdaws sing If they were in the cage.

I like the old grey things you had on last night ever so much better, and I wanted you to climb a tree to get me some young jackdaws. And good gracious! Godfrey, your head smells like a whole hairdresser's shop. Please come to the other side, to leeward of me." He murmured something about liking to look tidy, and then remarked that she seemed rather finely dressed herself.

In these woods there are not many birds; I saw, however, some large flocks of the white cockatoo feeding in a corn-field, and a few most beautiful parrots; crows, like our jackdaws were not uncommon, and another bird something like the magpie.

There was a rustling now and then among the heap of broken chairs and jack-planes and baskets and spades and hoes and bits of the spars of ships at the far end of our sleeping apartment, but Dicky and Oswald resolutely said it was the wind or else jackdaws making their nests, though, of course, they knew this is not done at night.

In Sark the Choughs have by no means so easy a time, as the Jackdaws outnumber them about the cliffs, and will probably eventually drive them out of the Island indeed, I am afraid they have done this in Alderney, as I did not see any when there in the summer of 1876, nor in this last summer ; and Captain Hubbach writes me word he has seen none in Alderney himself this year . I, however, saw some there in previous visits, but now for some reason, probably the increase of Jackdaws, the Choughs appear to me nearly, if not quite, to have deserted that Island.

"I believe you, Greta." The blackbird hopped into the shrubbery. "You frightened him, Uncle Nic! Papa says that at Schloss Konig, where he lived when he was young, he would always be after jackdaws' nests." "Gammon, Greta. Your father never took a jackdaw's nest, his legs are much too round!" "Are you fond of birds, Uncle Nic?" "Ask me another, Greta! Well, I s'pose so."

"Shut up!" roared the sergeant. "If," said the Philosopher, "these people steal both from from sheep and from men, if their peculations range from wool to money, I do not see how they can avoid stealing from each other, and consequently, if anywhere, it is amongst jackdaws one should look for the growth of a police force, but there is no such force in existence.

On the same day a commission seized all the magpies and jackdaws in Paris, whether caged or otherwise, which were to be registered according to their owners, with all the pretty words that the said birds could repeat and that had been taught them: the pretty word that these chattering birds had been taught to say was "Peronne."