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What breaks friendship, in my experience, is the loss of that sense of equality; and the moment that friends become critical in the sense, I mean, that they want to alter or improve each other I think a friendship is in danger. If you have a friend, you must be indulgent to his faults like him, not in spite of them, but almost because of them, I think." "That's very difficult," said Vincent.

The mother of Ella a half sister to the elder-Younker died when she was very young, leaving her to the care of a kind and indulgent father, who, having no other child, lavished on her his whole affections.

"You have already, Sire, even to overflowing," said the Cardinal, with the lowly mien of a favourite towards an indulgent master. "Because we know that your Eminence can carry it with a steady hand," said Louis. "But which side do you espouse in the great controversy, Sillery or Auxerre France or Burgundy?" "I will stand neutral, Sire," said the Cardinal, "and replenish my cup with Auvernat."

He repeated mechanically the other's words: "You know I'm innocent?" "Yes, I've found the guilty man." "Then Alan oh, the poor lad! It's a mistake you are wrong. The boy didn't take the money I took it." Crane looked at him in admiration, an indulgent smile on his lips. "Nonsense, my dear sir!" he exclaimed, dryly; "Alan did not take the money neither did you.

On the other hand, she had known and relished the sweets of prosperity, she had been brought up under the wings of an indulgent parent, in all the delicacies to which her sex and rank entitled her; and without any extravagance of hope, entertained herself with the view of uninterrupted happiness through the whole scene of life.

For all his play of mind and fancy, for all his indulgence and, as time went on, he grew indulgent Fleeming had views of duty that were even stern. He was too shrewd a student of his fellow-men to remain long content with rigid formulæ of conduct. Iron-bound, impersonal ethics, the procrustean bed of rules, he soon saw at their true value as the deification of averages.

For his part, Pius VII. appreciated Josephine's good qualities, especially her charity: he treated her as an indulgent father treats his child. The second son of Louis Bonaparte and Hortense de Beauharnais was baptized by the Pope himself at Saint Cloud, March 27, 1805. The ceremony was most impressive. Eight Imperial carriages conveyed thither Pius VII. and his suite.

"How kind has he ever been to all my follies! how tender and indulgent to all my wishes!" sobbed Alice. "We have been selfish, sister, in urging our visit at such hazard!" "I may have been rash in pressing his consent in a moment of much embarrassment, but I would have proved to him, that however others might neglect him in his strait, his children at least were faithful!"

He was relieved to find her younger, more child-like in her ideas, than her first appearance gave him hopes of. His manner relaxed, his tone became indulgent. When she smiled with a blush, she was his sweet sister Dolly; when her countenance fell grave again, she was the shy, touchy, uncertain little girl who had gone to Fairfield on their first acquaintance so sorely against her inclination.

By cob's body, cried Panurge, 'tis broken, or cracked at least, not to tell a lie for the matter; for even so do crystal bottles speak in our country when they burst near the fire. Bacbuc arose, and gently taking Panurge under the arms, said, Friend, offer your thanks to indulgent heaven, as reason requires.