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"This, sir," said he, "is a handsome offer, and one for which I thank you; but I fear our presence may incommode you and the additional weight of our luggage perhaps delay your progress.

A choleric or fretful person is tetchious. To disfurnish or disconfit means to incommode: "I hope it has not disconfit you very bad." To shamp means to shingle or trim one's hair. A bastard is a woods-colt or an outsider. Critter and beast are usually restricted to horse and mule, and brute to a bovine.

Mac-Morlan, whom his daughter also acknowledged with a fashionable courtesy, not dropped so low as at all to incommode her person.

And the neighbor stopped and she said sweetly: "Could I trouble you to do a little errand for me if you are going down town, or would it incommode you?" He said he would do it.

"You are very kind, my dear sir; but your arrangement would incommode yourself," suggested the colonel. "My cabin is quite large, and I shall be able to make ample accommodations for myself," persisted the commander, as he took the arm of the planter. "Permit me to conduct you to your new quarters." "As I am once more a prisoner"

I looked at my watch fifty times. I thought it would never be six o'clock. I did not care to show my country breeding, by going too early, to incommode my friend, nor my town breeding, by going too late, and spoiling his dinner. Sir John is a valuable, elegant-minded man, and, next to Mr. Stanley, stood highest in my father's esteem for his mental accomplishments and correct morals.

This whiskered Englishman had never earned money, never known the value of it, never imagined himself without as much of it as he might happen to want. He had the face of one accustomed to give orders and to look down upon inferiors. He was absolutely sure of himself. That his companion chiefly ignored him did not appear to incommode him in the least. She spoke to him in French.

It is for him to seek an evident principle such as may give rise to some objection; and the more obscure the subject, the more trouble he will have in finding such a principle. Thus the defender has no need to incommode himself when it is a question of answering an adversary who claims that he is offering us an invincible proof.

It will incommode us not in the slightest." "Of all places in the room," Kendricks declared, with a bow, "the most desirable, the most charming. Madame indeed permits and mademoiselle?" There were more bows, more pleasant speeches. A small additional table was quickly brought. Kendricks ignored the more comfortable seat by Julien's side and took a chair with his back to the room.

Pedro lies with his head to the stern, so that his talk with the Indian is conducted, so to speak, upside-down. But that does not seem to incommode them, for the ideas probably turn right end foremost in passing to and fro. Of course their language is in the Indian tongue. We translate.