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Scherer, in the playful manner he had adopted of late, while I grinned appreciatively and took a chair. Mr. Watling presently suggested kidnapping the Ribblevale treasurer until he should promise to produce the books as the only way out of what seemed an impasse. But Mr. Scherer brought down a huge fist on his knee. "I tell you it is no joke, Watling, we've got to win that suit," he asserted.

Wilson were looking for a fresh way out of the impasse into which his attitude on the question of the submarine campaign has led him. As I have already had the honor to cable, Colonel House holds out the prospect of an early move towards peace by the President.

In this impasse the Administration was credited with being almost ready to break off relations with Germany, but deferred doing so until the German Government had studied the evidence on which the American Government had decided that the submarine commander was solely to blame.

"You have money enough of your own or your father's," I retorted. "I'd rather spend yours," she said coolly. It was the old impasse at which we had arrived a dozen times before, only the wretched involvement seemed to be adding coil upon coil with the passing of time. I have often wondered if she really meant the marriage threat. At this distance in time it appears extremely doubtful.

Feeling himself in a kind of impasse regarding Alden, and fearing some telltale expression in his eyes, the Master swung up his binoculars and once more swept the cloud-horizons from northeast to southeast. "We ought to be sighting some of the attackers, before long," judged he. "I'm rather curious to see them to see flies attacking an eagle.

They had found a Mardukan Navy ship's pinnace there, manned entirely by officers, some of them Navy Intelligence. According to them, the investigation into the activities of that ship had come to an impasse.

I walked to the other end of the room, and stood facing the carefully drawn curtains of the windows; fantastically, they seemed to represent the impasse to which my mind had come. Did she intend, ultimately, to get a divorce? I dared not ask her. The word rang horribly in my ears, though unpronounced; and I knew then that I lacked her courage, and the knowledge was part of my agony. I turned.

But at the moment of that impasse the Armenians below us had decided that self-assertion was their cue, and there came great noises as they thundered with a short pole on the trap and made the stones jump that held it down. At that signal several women emerged from behind the hanging blankets young and old women in various states of disarray and stood in attitudes suggestive of aggression.

But all his thought led him to an impasse at that time, and that impasse was the feeling that he was a criminal and a fugitive, and that he had no right to tie up innocent lives with his. Even a letter to David might incriminate him. Coupled with his determination to surrender, the idea of atonement was strong in him. An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.

'I never forget for a moment. Leave it to me. He came and stood beside her. She put out her hand, which he took. 'Do you still believe what you said? he asked her, huskily. Eleanor looked up smiling. 'A thousand times more! she said, under her breath. 'A thousand times more. But here the conversation reached an impasse. Manisty could not say 'Then why? in Heaven's name! for he knew why.