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Charles Dickens certainly spared none to his Readings in his conscientious endeavour to give his own imaginings visible and audible embodiment. The sincerity of his devotion to his task, when once it had been taken in hand, was in its way something remarkable. Acting of all kinds has been pronounced by Mrs. * Fanny Kemble's Journal, Vol. II. p. 130.

"The farther up this river we have come the greater our assurance that we were on the right trail, for scarcely a native we interrogated but had seen or heard of some of your party. Mixed with the truth they told us were strange tales of terrible monsters led by a gigantic white man." "The imaginings of childish minds," said the professor.

He also bought "The Lady's Mirror" and "The Landsman." Every minute was an hour long, and full of horrid imaginings. After nineteen had passed, he saw her with a bag and a porter wheeling her luggage. She came swiftly; she came cool. She greeted him as if he were a brother. "First class," she said to the porter, "corner seats; opposite." Jon admired her frightful self-possession.

What was that devilish thing in "The Cross of Berny" from Gautier's pen, if he remembered rightly, among those four royal collaborateurs "To call a woman my wife! What revolting indiscretion! To call children " But the thought of little Betty hushed even his mad imaginings. However, it was his business to fathom all this mystery at once. An idealist was a blind ass look at Perry!

She became herself, as it were, an actual part of these imaginings, and realised the love-dream of her youth as she saw herself in this type of amorous women whom she had so envied. Besides, Emma felt a satisfaction of revenge. Had she not suffered enough? But now she triumphed, and the love so long pent up burst forth in full joyous bubblings.

She knew that he read her thoughts, but if he, too, was remembering that evening long ago in February, he must also remember that Lewis Rand gave up, that snowy night, definitely and forever, the fevered ambitions, the too-high imaginings, the conqueror's thirst for power; gave them up, and turned from the charmer into the path of right!

Perhaps there may have been illusion, a self-nourished fancy, evoked from the silent reveries of those solitary days at Bastres, when her mind was for long periods given up to undisturbed imaginings. Who can say? Good-bye, good-bye, my dearest! My bravest and my fairest! I bless thee with a blessing meet For all thy manly worth. Good-bye, good-bye, my treasure! My only pride and pleasure!

It may seem absurd to some in this cool and calculating twentieth century that any one should indulge in such vain imaginings as I have described and yet, why not? All things are as we see them.

Voltaire read and read again with delight, and plied the writer with reiterated exhortations in every key, not to allow himself to be driven from the great work by the raging of the heathen and the vain imaginings of the people. While the storm seemed to be at its height, an incident occurred which let loose a new flood of violent passion.

You prefer to make your own stories, is that the reason?" "I suppose so," she said; "but I never thought of it before." "And you never write these imaginings?" "Oh, no! That would be impossible.